cHApTeR 2️⃣1️⃣

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~sOmEWheRe iN tHe
nO oNe fRicKin cAreS biLly¡¡¡~

pOPpy lAyEr oUt wiTh hEr pAtrIck shOrts.
"aHhhHHh~ oH i juSt loVe tAkiNg A duMp iN tHe wHeerEevEr wE.....heY! i nEed moRe sOcks!!"

"bAhahqhHahahHaqgq SNORT!"
pOpPy snOrtEd aNd yEllOw snOt cAme oUt.

bRaNch fLew wIth dOrAs bOdy.
"bRanCho bRanCho bRanCho tHe slEendErmanNnNmN! bRanCho! lA lA La lA fAaarRRRRtt"

tWo sNaKes cAme oUt oF bRaNch's eArs. 🐍

bRaNch snUggLed wIth tHe snAkEs.
"oH hEy tHerE! wAnNa bE fRaAaNnnSss?♤♤♤♡"

T h e    S n a k e s   N o d.
" S u r e     M r .  S e l e n a  H o e m e z "

bArB flOatEd aRoUnD wiTh hEr cHeeSe hEaD aNd lAmP boDy.

bArB sNicKerS.
"hEy duDesss!!! lOoK aT mE! iMma bE a mOnsTErs iNce woKer tHan bAttLe thE eviL tOwelS□○□○"

"okAy bOoMer! hAhahHahaah!!!"
pOpPy aNd bRanCh shOut.

tHe 3 lAugH toGetHer liKe tHe idIots tHey aRe. 🍆🍆🍆🍑🤖

(aRt bY.....hOlY cRaP i nEed fRoG leGs n piCklE juIce)



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