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Even though I recently moved in, the apartment was in need of a clean for later this evening. Since Archer and I decided to get together with the crew, I thought it would be nice to break into my new apartment and have them come by.

I drop the mop and take my gloves off to read a email I gotten. The cracked screen that seems to just be getting worse and worse, makes it hard for me to see. I squint my eyes as if it would help.

Dr. Gonzales: Hello Amelia, I haven't heard from you or your cousin in a while. I wanted to check up on you guys and see how things are going. I strongly urge that we continue to have sessions. Please schedule soon, as my calender seems to fill up pretty fast. Best regards, Dr. Gonzales.

I let out a breath and tuck the phone back into my pockets. I don't know what to say to her. She, just like Claudia was right about Chase.

The front door opens, I stop myself from walking into the kitchen to help Trevor with bags.

"Got the champagne, red wine, and the games you asked for." He holds up brown bags. I had asked him to borrow the games just for tonight, and the girls wanted wine.

"You are my hero." I take it from him, and he sits on the stools near the kitchen island. It substitutes for a dining table that can't squeeze into here.

"What do you need them for exactly?" His brows furrowed in confusion.

I huff while cutting up the tomatoes for the salad. I also prepared other snacks and fruits for them to eat. "You remember Archer, my boss?"

"The one that Chase is upset about?"

I roll my eyes in annoyance that he would mention Chase, just when I didn't have him on my mind. "Yeah."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to bring him up. It's just weird seeing him like this."

"Like what." I slice the tomatoes, not even paying attention to where my fingers are located.


The thought of Chase lingers in my head being miserable, that's how I feel. What I thought could be something different and worthy turned into a catastrophe. It's not what I imagined my life to turned into at all. For some reason, I had this thought in the back of my head that since I had it tough before, life will get easier. Instead, it's only getting harder.

"That sucks." I place the tomatoes in the bowl of salad and place it on the table. I set out wine glasses with the crackers, cheese, and ham. I tried not to show any emotion of caring for him.

"Is this like a date or something with your boss?" He glanced at all the stuff I have prepared.

I shake my head. "No, it's a get-together with the crew from the theatre. They're really nice. It's like I found my group of people."

His head tilts up. "That's amazing. I'm happy that you found your kind of people." he laughs. Somehow I know he's thinking of the past when I was always around Delilah and Trixi. "Just think about talking with Chase. I hate seeing him like this. All he talks about is you."

"I see you two are friends again." I grabbed water bottles from the fridge and placed them with everything else.

"We worked things out. With Celeste's due date being close and the fact that we need to get along, we decided to talk it all out. Which is what you two should do."

"Are you really on his side now?" I place my hands on my hips. "What happened to team Amelia?"

"Team Amelia needs to figure her self out so she can figure her relationship out. I only deal with you two being together because I know how he makes you feel. You know in your heart that you love the man that loves you back. I'm not saying to forgive him but give him some kind of clarity that you don't hate him. He thinks you never cared about him."

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now