Chapter 1: Slaughter Them For Me...

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~Akashi P.O.V.~

"I just meant... that before I left home... I saw my little brother cry..." Chihiro spoke.

His voice was shaking. God I hated this man. With everything in me. I HATED him. I hate that this was arranged.

"Is your brother a prince?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No..." he responded, growing even more nervous by the second.

"Then he wasn't relevant to the conversation... now was he?" I snapped, turning away.

I was walking away from my no good husband to maybe find anything better to do that attend the monthly kingdom gathering. As I was walking I felt a stone hit the back of my head.

I turned around to face the crowd of people surrounding me. My soldiers gathered around.

"Find who threw that stone... and slaughter them for me." I ordered in a grunting tone under my breath as I tensed up from rage.

Just then a bunch of my subjects tried to rush me. I scoffed. They were trying to get to me? Their king? I want them all dead.

My royal guards tried their best to fight everyone off of me. And it worked. These were the best guards in all the lands. I knew I had nothing to worry about.

"KILL THEM ALL!!! I WANT THEM ALL HUNG FOR THEIR CRIMES!!!!" I demanded, screaming at the top of my lungs in a very immature manner.

"They want the same for you, Your Grace. You can't kill your entire kingdom..." Shintaro told me as he pushed off some commoners.

He was right. I couldn't kill them. Not all of them.

"Fine. Just find who threw the stone then. I will make an example out of him..."

After about 40 minutes of my servants fighting people off, I was finally free, and able to go back to my palace and sit on my throne.

Next to me was Chihiro.

"Say Chihiro... they never found whom it was who threw the stone... do you suppose that it may have been you?" I asked, breaking the silence between us.

"No... Your Grace." He promised in an anxiety filled whisper

I hummed for a minute. Even if it was, I wasn't able to kill him since he was my life partner. Although I can hurt him.

"Okay then..."

This was boring. Time for some fun. I stood up, letting out a sigh.

"Come with me Chihiro." I ordered.

And just like that, he followed behind me. I brought him out to the area where his fathers head stayed, spiked up on the palace wall. This was fun entertainment for when I had nothing to do...

~Chihiro P.O.V.~

Me and Seijuro were forced to marry. Although it wasn't always as horrible as this... At first we loved each other and were begging to be wed. It was my parents who were hesitant. And now I see why.

Once I found out how horrible he really was, it was too late. We were already to be wed. And nothing could change that. He ended up killing my father. And he probably wants the rest of my family dead as well. Including me...

He has done terrible things to me. Beat me, have me stripped by guards in front of others, cheated on me, and probably almost anything else you could imagine. Although he hasn't... forced me into anything sexually... He despises me too much to touch me like that.

And I despise him just as much. But he is the king. I have no choice but to obey and follow his orders. If only he would think about other people than himself. Just one time I wish he wasn't so selfish.

Trigger Warning⚠️

For example, I bet earlier today when he was so worried about his subjects hurting him? He didn't notice that they were also trying to hurt me, his family, and each other. One man got his arm ripped off during the riot... And people were getting raped. Some man chased me down and I was almost took advantage of as well until a soldier named Atsushi found us and killed the man.... not that Seijuro would have cared. That's why I haven't said anything to him about it. He probably wishes that I had been raped.

So here I am... staring at my dead fathers rotting head for my husband's enjoyment. I have to look. If I don't then there's no telling what Seijuro would do. He enjoys watching me, and others suffer. I just wish that there was someone... one person that could change him.

"Isn't it just a lovely sight? The sight of a traitors head spiked on the walls of my palace?" He laughed.

You could tell that he really was proud of his work. My father wasn't a traitor. He just wanted to do what was right for the kingdom. And that was giving the throne to Seijuro's little sister, Saiko. Saiko was very different from Seijuro. However I'm not sure if she'd had made a good Queen. But anything was better than the monster that currently sat on the throne.

(Saiko is gonna be a self insert character btw, Bc that sounds fun)

"Yes... Your Grace.... My father was a traitor...." I agreed.

It's not like I have a choice if I agreed or not. I must agree. If I don't then one day Seijuro will have my head spiked on the wall as well.

~Akashi P.O.V.~

I watched at Chihiro held in tears. It was the same thing every time. Even this was getting a bit boring...

"Ugh- You can look away now. I'm going out tonight. You are not to roam the castle... you may only go to our chamber, sit on your thrown, to the bathroom, and to the kitchen. Anywhere else and there will be consequences." I warned.

I turned away from him once more. I know he dispised me... but come on... How bad could I possibly be? Not so horrible that my soldiers would deny me their loyalty. I'm not doing anything so wrong am I? Just enjoying myself, what's so bad about that? I see what I want and I take it. And theres nothing in my way because I am the King.

And it's not like Chihiro is so innocent and sweet... he may seem like a sweet heart to others but I promise he's not. People should see the way he treats his hand maidens, the way he treats, or should I say treated his little sister, he treats them like a roach under his shoe, no worse that I treat him.

I ended up leaving the palace to catch some air. The town was so dirty. There was a begger at every corner. The air smelled of body odor and animal shit. All of the houses and stores were made of wood that was slowly rotting away. As I walked along the sandy streets, unsure as to where I was going, I found myself in front of a bar.

At the time, I didn't know that simply stepping through this door would change my life forever...

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