6 years Ago

37 2 0

     I rushed outside, the coldness bit my arms and clung to my legs. This wasn't happening it couldn't. My vision blurred as I just walked. I walked faster wishing everything would disappear, that I would dissappear. I was still to shocked, that I still couldn't process my thoughts. I couldn't admit to myself, what was known to be true, if I did everything would  make it more true. I sat down, against the cold concrete, known to be a sidewalk. I didn't know where I was I just left from my house at without giving it a second thought. As I sit down on the snowy concrete, my pants start getting soaked, I know that If I don't get a jacket on soon I will get some serious sickness  but now I don't care, I don't give shit about anything or anyone  right now. I gaze down at my fluffy slippers, at how they stand out from the snow. I want  to think about somthin happy, to not feel the hole of pain in my chest. It's as though time has frozen and I'm the only person standing while the rest of world is crumbling down. I hear footsteps not to far from where I am, my mind suddenly thinks of a kidnapper. But for once in my life I don't care if It was a kidnapper coming for me.

     The mysterious person sits down next to me, close  enough that I can tell it's a guy and feel the heat radiating of his skin. I look over at him, the way snowflakes fall on to his curly hair, and stick to his eyelashes. The way he has full lips, and big beautiful eyes. He's probably the most beautiful  guy I've seen, I could easily just stare at this guy for hours and forget the pain thats within me right this instant. He looks around my age, and smells like what's a combination of mint and cinnamon.

     He turns around to meet my gaze, and I instantly remember who he is, bitter thoughts cross my mind. I'm sure I give a disgusted face, since he smirks. I can't belive a few seconds ago I actually called this guy beautiful in my mind, I'm just lucky my tears are dry. It will give him one less thing to criticize me about.

     "Ugh, Kyle what do you want, out of all days you chose this one to punch me with your insults.I don't want to hear you today, maybe you haven't heard what happened yet. But if you have one decent bone in that body of yours you will leave me alone and walk away!", I'm already starting to choke. I try to bite back my tears, out of all guys I don't want to cry in front of him.

     "Pen I did hear what happened. Incase youve forgotten our dad's have been the best friends since they were born, so we both get an update on each others life okay. And I didn't come to be mean at least not today, in fact I came here to comfort you, I saw you fast walking past my house right after I found out......here have my jacket, I got a sweatshirt.",I glance at his Jacket and frown, he chuckles and says"Don't worry it's not another prank, just put it on before my father blames me for you getting hypothermia."

     We both stare put onto the street, leaving my thoughts to wonder. This is the first nice thing Kyle has ever done for me.Ever. He always has come up with an insult for me like how I'm suddenly a priss and a lesbian for going to an all girls private school. It's not my fault, my mom didn't want me hanging out with boys just yet, well at least not at school. All my friends(which are my only friends) are guys, and they're from  outside of school. Its not that I can't make friends with girls at my school, it's just that boy do they annoy me. I had a friend named Jordan probably  the only girl friend that I ever had and will ever have  but sadly she moved away two years ago. Although just because I hang out with guys doesn't mean I'm not as girly or as feminine  in fact I'm pretty sure I'm more girly than all those brats at school, who claim to be "innocent little angels".

     Kyle finally breaks the silence, and once again interrupts my train of thought." I know it must seem strange for me to act uh.....nice. I know what your going through I just...."

I decide to interrupt him," look Kyle if you cane here to pity me, just go I don't need this right now.I know it must hurt you to see me being hurt by somthin else thats not you...". I sill keep trying to fight off the tears

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