Forgiveness chapter 1

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"Hey Luce lets go on a job!" My pink haired friend said with joy "sure thing Natsu!" I said back giveing him a smile while walking to the job papers "huh there's this cool one" I said pointing to one at one of the papers "climb to the top of this canyon and take its holy water at the top needed for healing Warning monsters scattered around the area" "sure sounds cool well let's go Luce!" Natsu said while happy was flying around eating fish


After a few hours and Natsus motion sickness we got there "natsu we--" "FREEDOM" He yelled as he jumped out of the car "okay then Wait up I'm coming!" I yelled falling out into the canyon "AHHHH NATSU HELP!!!" "Lucy your such a weakling! It's just a cliff pull yourself up you idiot!" he was right... I am a weakling.... After a while I pulled myself up and climbed the mountain looking for Natsu until "Rawr?" It was a baby alien?

Too be le continued! But here some spoof if you like to see people being probed...

It was ze babie alien??? Nun DERES the mama! Shiit she has a probe nuuuuuuu and I'm dead ze end

Okay there was the weird spoof now the times where I write the book is sometimes Friday's and sometimes Monday's
Positive I write at Saturday's unless I have to go somewhere then instead Sunday and if that then so on I will write more it's just I got a brain fart so I can't think of anything XD and sometimes I write when I'm free or have perfect ideas or good and by the way this I got from a dream last night xD there was more to the dream but like I said I'm tired and I got a brain fart... So see you later!

Forgiveness ( StiLu )Where stories live. Discover now