For Cahaya

709 30 1

"Um, hello Daun."

"Hi Fang!" Daun smiled cheerfully.

Fang gave the case at Daun's back a suspicious gaze. "Are you here for Boboiboy?"

Daun shook his head.

"Oh," Fang paused. "Come in, would you?"

Fang widened the door for the green eyed boy, who strolled in happily.

"Fang, did someone- oh hi Daun. Are you here for something?" Boboiboy approached Daun with a smile.

Daun beamed at Boboiboy as he immediately ran towards Boboiboy, hugging his waist. Boboiboy froze, surprised by the sudden hug. Fang's left eye twitched.

"Hello Boboiboy!"

Boboiboy noticed the case on Daun's back and gave it a curious gaze. "What's this Daun?"

Daun tilted his head to the right, smile brightening. "A guitar case!"

Boboiboy and Fang both shared surprised faces. "What's the guitar for Daun?"

"I want Fang to teach me how to play it!"

Fang stiffened. "You want me... to teach you?"

Daun turned to Fang, arms still around Boboiboy's waist. "Yes!"

"But Boboiboy knows how to play the bass guitar?" Fang said, more like asked.

"I asked Angin and he said that the bass and the guitar are played differently," Daun pouted. "And they have different sounds as well."

Fang sighed, approaching the two. "Okay, why don't we sit down first and," Fang directed his attention at Daun's arms, "let go of Boboiboy."

Boboiboy blushed. Daun stared at Fang with a confused look before turning his attention to his arms, which are around Boboiboy's waist. Daun, realizing what Fang meant, removed his arms around Boboiboy's waist and gave Fang a sheepish smile. "Oops."

"I-I'll go make some drinks." Boboiboy cleared his throat. "Anything specific?"

"Hot chocolate!"

"Ah yes, I think there's still some cocoa left." Boboiboy mumbled as he left to enter the kitchen that connects to the living room.

Fang cleared his throat, a blush staining his cheeks. "Okay, shall we?"

Daun nodded enthusiastically.

Fang walked towards the couch as Daun happily skipped towards the couch, the guitar case jumping up and down. Alarmed, Fang tried to warn Daun about being careful with his instrument but stopped when Daun gently leaned it beside the couch. Fang sighed.

"At least he can do that."

Fang sat beside Daun, but not too close. Daun gave Fang a nervous chuckle. "Sorry Fang. I guess habits don't die down if you're around."

Fang sighed. "It's okay. I guess that's why Boboiboy can be a simpleton at times."

Of course, Fang thought, the elements are part of Boboiboy. But letting them do what they please is something I didn't expect Boboiboy to do. Fang shivered at the thought. Letting Petir and Angin date, it's quite obvious how gay Boboiboy is.

Daun gave Fang a worried gaze. "Are you alright Fang?"

Fang nodded his head. Boboiboy entered the living room with a tray of three mugs, steam coming out of it. Daun's eyes brighten as Boboiboy handed him a mug. Fang squinted his eyes at Daun as he accepted the mug Boboiboy handed him.

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