Talk about awkward

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"Yes! I WON! Suck on that, Carter!" I yelled triumphantly, standing up and throwing my hands in the air as I stuck my tongue out at Carter. He dabbed his hands to his eyes as if he was crying like a three year old.

Childish, I know.

"B-but... Stellie!" Carter fake sobbed, causing me to laugh the hell out of myself. He crossed his arms in front of his chest as he directed a playful glare at me.

Why was Carter acting like this?

Well, my friend, he just lost the game of checkers for the first time, ever. And to think he lost it to ME, even though it was my first time playing it. What a bummer.

"How the hell did you beat me if it's your first time? And, I'm like the best at this game! This is... YOU CHEATED!" he accused, pointing a finger at me.

"I did not!" I exclaimed, crossing my arms in front of my chest, "I just happen to be better at it than you."

"I hate you." he huffed out. I sighed. I pouted at him and crept slowly towards him, kneeling down to look straight into his eyes.

"Aw, come on! You didn't mean that! R-right...?" I frowned, feeling slightly upset about this. I bent down, but still remained in my standing up position, as Carter was sat in front of me on the sofa. I placed my hands on my knees as I pouted at him.

To make things clearer, Carter Richardson, here, is my best friend. Well, technically my brother's, but I'm still close to him because he's just as sweet as an apple pie.

Oh, and he hates it when I say that. Carter's the rebellious, egoistic, player, who's 17 years old in my High School, but I've got to agree with the rest of the female population, Carter is fine. Yeah, sure, he's hot. I'll give that to him, but he constantly teases me all the time, in a playful way. That's how we get along. Despite him being that guy who's been with loads of girls, he's actually really fun to be around.

His short black hair was messy today, which only boosted his stunning appearance, and his grey eyes looked timidly around, trying to avoid my gaze. Wait a second... is he blushing?

OH MY GOD. This has got to be the first time he's blushed, ever. And I just witnessed it!

Where's my god damn camera when I need it?!

"You're blushing." I pointed out, a sly grin on my face. Knowing Carter, he'd probably scowl at me and flip me off, but to my complete surprise, he blushed darker. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"S-Stellie..." he stammered my nickname he gave me nervously, trying to look at anything but me. I remained in my bent down position in front of him as I raised an eyebrow. Again, god damn it, why didn't I bring my camera and capture this perfect moment?

"The way you're b-bent down..." he choked out, trying his hardest to look up at my eyes instead of below. Wait, what?

"I can perfectly see a good view of your boob-"

"CARTER!" I shrieked, instantly jumping from my bent down position and slapping my hands over my chest. I bet my face is burning 50 shades of red right now.

This is so embarrassing.

He was trying his best to avoid looking, I see, that's why he was blushing. I was a bit grateful that he respected that and at least tried not to look, but...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2020 ⏰

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