Chapter I

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°(Y/N)'s POV°

My weird obsession with death started when I first learned of it. The many ways someone could die fascinated me. No one knew what happened after death either that's why religion exists and why people hate on others on what they believe. I wanted to find out what truly happened after death even if I didn't have the guts to kill myself. Not only that I didn't even want to die but I wouldn't give up the chance to know what actually happens.

I didn't care what people said that there was some place where this higher being lived and if I wasn't this specific thing or did this specific thing I would to a very bad place. I always saw that as weird that if someone went out of the guide lines they were bad. Other than that I have always wish my parents were scientists so I could do experiments on people or small animals. Find out what the pain level would be through the different ways humans could die. This is all very dark but I couldn't help it I was obsessed with the concept. These thoughts would come across my mind if I watched a horror movie or read a creepypasta story.

"(Y/N)!" My mother yelled up stairs of the two story house of my parents which I was about to move out of.

"Coming!" I said grabbing the large backpack filled to the brim with clothes.

"Hurry up okay? Mrs. and Mr. Lockwood are here." She said.

I ran down the stairs to meet her and the Lockwoods. The Lockwoods were letting me use their spare house to live in until the apartments were built. Once the apartments were built I would only have a week to leave or get kicked out. Not only that but I was going to babysit their kid.

"Bye mom, tell Dad to come over some time." I said Leaving with the Lockwoods.

I entered the back seat of the left side of the car shutting the car door behind me. The kid that I was babysitting on the other side, holding onto a tablet and looking outside. The car ride was short.

When I got out they let out their son as well, leaving me with their kid and a list. The list had a detailed instructions of what their kid needed but I didn't use it or any other time they gave it to me. I was good with kids and I had been baby sat their kid multiple times. I brought the kid inside and asked him if he needed anything. He shook his head and speedily went up the stairs with the tablet he was holding.

I sat on the couch turning on the TV. The news channel was on talking about some murders that happened around the town. I was intrigued by it wanting to know how the people died and if they found the killer. If they found the killer I would note their appearance and draw them as mutated as possible as a sick way of punishing them.

"Police have yet to find the culprit of these murders. Witnesses say the person responsible is a young man around his teens wearing a mask, yellowish orange googles, a brown and blue hoodie, and brown hair. We think the killer uses a large weapon that cuts through things easily. If you see this man please contact the police immediately. Now for the weather..." Said the news girl.

Did she seriously describe Ticci Toby the creepypasta and say she doesn't know the exact weapon he uses?

I knew who Toby was but I decided not to mutate him in a drawing he was told to be a fictional character anyways he wasn't real. I changed the channel to a cartoon and watched blankly not really paying much attention to it. I watched for hours waiting for the kid, Kody, to come down stairs and ask for something to eat.

He did as expected coming down the stairs to sit on the couch.

"Can I have something to eat?" He asked innocently.

"Sure how about pizza?" I asked him.

"Okay can it be an all meat pizza?" He asked walking into the kitchen.

"Okay I'll order some cinnamon twists too." I said opening the pizza place's website.

I heard the stomping of excited feet from the kitchen. He ran out and gave me a hug and said "Thank you!".

°30 minutes later°

The pizza got to the house and I paid the pizza boy. Kody ate and ran upstairs. I looked at the time it was 3:47 PM. I walked upstairs to get Kody ready for when his parents got home.

I knocked on the door to the room he stayed in when he was over here.

"Kody get your things ready your parents will be here soon." I said.

"Okay I'll be out in a minute." He said.
I heard noises of things being moved. He was a good kid. He came out of the room with his things, the room was clean just how it was the first time I saw the place. Kody moved past me to the stairs and stumbling down the steps.

I turned back to the room he left clean. I did smell a foul smell from it but it was minor. I assumed is was the smell of him doing his 'business'. I ignored it and went back down the steps to see Kody out to his parents. His parents picked him up giving me a odd goodbye.

"Thanks for taking care of Kody but I recommend you don't have another rich family kid here in case something happens." Mrs. Lockwood said leaving before I could ask her what she ment.

I shrugged my shoulders and wondering back into the lavish house I was calling home. I walked up the stairs and into the large bedroom I planned to sleep in. I flopped on the bed relaxing for a brief moment before covering up and drifting off to sleep.


A man stood over top of me, his mask made it look as if he was smiling. He had messy brown hair and yellowish orange goggles. It was Ticci Toby.

"What the hell is a Ticci Toby wannabe doing in my house?" I said quietly.

"Wan-nnabe?" He asked as his bones cracked and his body ticked.

I sat up and pushed him away. He seemed shocked that I pushed him.

"He is a creepypasta, a terror that sneaks into people's homes killing them with his hachets. If you're trying to scare me good luck I know he isn't real." I said yawning at the end. I layed back down relaxing into the covers.

"I'm not real r-really?" He asked.

Before I could reply to his question he grabbed my arm choping it off.

I woke up with my heart racing. I sat quickly to look at my arm. There was a very thin scare line with bruising around it hidden under some stitches.

What the hell happened to my arm....?

°Chapter end°

Word count: 1202

Song: Break by Three days of Grace (Anti nightcore)

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