Chapter 1- The Mystery

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Stiles' Point of View

        Scott, Lydia, Allison, Isaac, and I are standing in the woods. We decide that it's best if we split up to find Malia. Allsion and Isaac went off together obviously, I wonder how Scott feels about their interactions. We never really talked about it, I mean it must hurt watching your first love fall in love with a member of your pack. Scott decided that it would be best if he went off on his own, so Lydia and I were paired together. We went our seperate ways into the woods. 

        Lydia and I were walking when I heard what sounded like metal against her shoe. 

        "Stiles!' she called to me. I turned around and saw her standing in a trap. It was meant for coyotes and other animals not for humans. "There are instructions on how to set this thing off on the bottom." I looked down at the bottom of the trap. All I saw were a bunch of scribbles. I couldn't read. 

        "Lydia, one problem. I can't read!"

        "Stiles just focus. I know you can do it." I focused hard and I was actually able to read. I turned the trap off and she jumped into my arms. All of a sudden I heard Scott's roar. He must have found Malia. "That's what I'm talking about!!" I scream to no one in particular. I grab Lydia's hand and we run towards the direction where the roar came from. 

        We finally arrive and I find Allison and Isaac there already. i let go of Lydia's hand and see that Isaac's foot is all bloody so he must have stepped on one of the traps. 

        "That looks nasty," i say to him with a fake symphatetic face. It's not that I hate Isaac or anything this is just how we communicate with each other. He replies with a fake smile and grabs onto Allison's shoulder. She wraps her arm around him and gives him a smile. I see a beautiful girl lying on the floor all confused. She's naked so I walk up to her and take off my jacket and wrap it around her. I grab onto her around the waist and take her to my car. 

Lydia's Point of View

        I couldn't believe what I just saw. Stiles actually went up to a girl. He must be moving on from me. I am genuinely happy for him. He deserves someone too. Even though nothing actually happened between them yet, I can tell that he likes her. Everyone has someone, Scott and Kira are obviously falling for each other, as well as Allison and Isaac. We all see the feelings you have for one another just kiss already. And I have Aiden. I just hope Stiles finds somebody too. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2014 ⏰

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