My Thoughts on the Murder of George Floyd

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So, I have read a lot of articles about the events that have transpired over the past week or two(I've lost track of time since the pandemic forced us all at home), and I am very pissed. Not only has yet another black man become a victim of police brutality and racism, those who dare speak against this horrible act have been met with even more police brutality in the form of rubber bullets and tear gas. We all grew up learning the First Amendment rights to the freedom of peaceful assembly. Yes, I know that some of these protests have turned into straight-up riots; I live near Nashville, where the state courthouse almost became burned to ashes. But these police are striking preemptively, causing a lot of innocent people to be hurt. In addition to this, I'm sure that there have been people killed due to these protests. I saw a video where an officer pushed a woman down to the ground, causing the poor, innocent woman to have a seizure. In response to this horrible act of stupidity in part by the police, I urge everyone of all races, of all genders, even of all sexualites to stand their ground and to express their opinions to the world. Elected officials need to see this going on as it unfolds, and if they don't listen to us, we can always vote them out come November. Even President Trump has ordered the police to stop us from protesting. So once again, I beg of you. DO NOT STOP. George Floyd's death, along with the deaths of all others caused by police brutality, needs to be served justice. Those police officers need to be sentenced to jail and removed from the force. Black lives matter.

#JusticeforGeorgeFloyd #BlackLivesMatter

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