♛Chapter 1♛

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It was a normal day, as long as you ignore the fact that it wasn't.  Venom dripped in the king's words as he spoke to his loyal subjects, thousands gathering around the castle to listen to their king. He stood above them all atop a balcony from his castle

"Our kingdom has been violated once again," His voice was laced in anger as he struggled  to stay composed. With a deep breathe he continued, "this is the third time this week. For those of you who are oblivious to the situation at hand, a thief entered the kingdom earlier this week and has claimed many valuables. We've managed to identify him as Dream." He held up a wanted picture. "If you see him report to one of the guards i'll be sending out."

Mutters came from the thousands of people below, some where fearful and others found it completely ridiculous. 

The king retreated back to the safety of his castle and stared at himself in the mirror. His crown was lopsided and his light pink hair was messy from all the sleepless nights he had suffered.   He adjusted his crown and pulled a red coat over his white button-up shirt, it had artificial fur at the end of the sleeves and along the sides all the way down to the end. 

A knock came from the door and with it came a male with dark brown hair, a plain blue shirt, and glasses with a white frame and dark tinted lens that covered his brown eyes. 

"Oh. Hello, George." The king greeted with a stiff smile which George returned.

"Hello, Sir Technoblade." He fiddled with his glasses as he walked inside a bit more.

"That guy... Dream, was it?" George asked and Technoblade nodded.

"What about him?"

"Well it's just... he only seemed to show up about a week ago and he has already stolen so many valuable things.." George trailed off,  Technoblade stayed silent for a moment.

"I've been hearing an awful lot about a kingdom from the far north, apparently they plan on doing something with the threshold." Technoblade placed his sword on the frame of the door and stepped towards George.

"How? No one's been able to find it in centuries."

"Someone dug up an old map from a while back, allegedly it's somewhere around us. George, I want you find the threshold and barricade it up, if someone manages to find the dragon there's a possibility they could invade and take everything over. And while you're at it.." He picked up the sword and held it out to George. "Find Dream... and kill him." 

Time seemed to slow down for George, his mind raced as he stared at the sword.  

"I- uhm... You want me, as in George, the person with little to no experience, to kill him?" George asked with evident fear in his eyes' and Technoblade nodded.

"I'd ask someone with more experience to go but if the rumors are true I need as many guards here as possible." Technoblade shoved the sword along with a sheath into George's arms. "I'll give you until dawn tomorrow to get used to using a sword, use your time wisely." And with that, he left the room, leaving George alone in the room to his thoughts. 


It was almost dawn and George had been working on his technique for about 8 hours at this point with little to no breaks. He was sweating bullets and wasn't confident in himself. 

George looked up as he noticed Technoblade walking towards him. 

"George, I take it you've been working hard?" He asked in his usual monotone voice. 

"Something like that.." George muttered and placed the sword back into it's sheath. "Do you need something?" 

"No, I just think you should take a break and get something to eat. I watched you for a bit and you seem to be getting the hang of it." Technoblade complimented and George smiled happily. 

"You really think so?" He asked as he walked back inside and Technoblade nodded.

"Of course there's still work to be done but for someone who knows basically nothing about fighting you're doing good." Technoblade and George walked in comfortable silence the rest of the way, greeted by the pleasant smells of fresh food as soon as they walked inside. George took a seat on the opposite side of Technoblade and began to stuff his face as soon as he was given his food, starved from not eating in a long time. Technoblade chuckled and took a small bite of his food. George looked up and immediately was embarrassed.

"Sorry.." He said and looked away.

"No, it's okay." Technoblade chuckled again before looking much more serious. He stood up.

"You should get some rest when your done eating." Technoblade said before leaving the room.


Dream tossed a brown bag on the ground and sat against a tree, running his fingers through his blonde hair. He grabbed the bag and sorted through all the things. Technically he wasn't here to steal anything, he just got bored and decided to do it. Dream thought back to what he was told to do.

"I want you go to the far north and spy on the kingdom there. The threshold is supposedly somewhere around that part of the world and if we can find it we can finally claim the north for ourselves!"

Dream couldn't blame him for wanting more for himself, he's had things taken from him for years, even as a child. Dream sighed as he put everything back in the bag and got out an ancient map from centuries ago. Many people believed the map would bring them to the threshold, but Dream was skeptical. It had been centuries, wouldn't it have eroded by now? Dream rolled his eyes and took off his signature mask, revealing his blonde hair that fell over his eyes. He huffed, blowing it up a bit. As he stood up to put the map away he heard a twig snap behind him, someone was close.


Hello! Thank you for reading! This story will probably have slow updates as I try to make the chapters long, I lack a lot of motivation for these things, and I will prioritize my art over it. Anyways, have a good day/night!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2020 ⏰

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