I did all of this as one part because i cant keep to a publishing scheduled

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It was one week until I got my time. One week until I would find out how long I had to live. I got up and made my breakfast. Silently got dressed and left my apartment. On my way to UA I met up with some friends, it was fun to joke around with them but I was still anxious. The day passed like any other and I went to Mina's with the Bakusquad. We played video games and watched movies. It was fine until I decided to comment on one of the characters outfit choices. "Shut it Pikachu. We didn't ask an idiots opinion." Bakugou said. "Ouch. BakuBro don't you think you're being a bit harsh." Kiri defended, shoving him lightly on the shoulder. Bakugou glared at him and he gave me an apologetic look. "No. its fine." I said smiling. "He's right. I shouldn't have said anything." I stayed silent for the rest of the evening unless someone spoke directly to me.

I didn't go and hang out with the Bakusquad outside of school for the rest of the week. Then it was Monday. The day we would find out how long we had left to live. We were in class waiting and then the clock struck 12. You can only see your time so if someone lied about their time you wouldn't know. I was shocked when I saw mine. I had 1 month. I had to make it count. "I got 75 years." Kiri said. "Hey Denki what did you get?" I couldn't tell him. So I lied. "Oh I got 80 years." I told him. I had a feeling someone else had a similar time to mine. I looked around the class. Midoriya. He was never good at lying. 

I found him after school, he was hiding in a classroom crying. "Hey Midoriya?" I said quietly. He looked up. "H-Hello Denki." He mumbled. "Midoriya I know that you didn't get very long. I didn't either, just tell me. I promise I won't make fun of you." I told him sitting beside him. Looking up at me he said. "I got two years." i felt my heart break, he deserved so much longer. "What did you get?" I gave him a small smile "Midoriya you only got a year you have to make the most of it don't worry about me." His expression hardened. "Denki. How long did you get?" he asked. I looked away from him. "1 month." I whispered. He was shocked. Then he started dragging me out of the classroom. I just let him.

Soon enough we arrived at a fairground. We stayed there all evening, I hadn't had that much fun in a while. I thanked Izuku and walked home. Before I fell asleep I made a bucket list.

Denki's Bucket List:

1. Make Bakugou be nice.

2. Hang out with all of class 1A more.

3. Talk to Shinso more often.

4. Work up the courage to confess to Shinso

5. Buy Aizawa sensei a cat.

6. Get better grades.

7. Don't be a pervert.

8. Ride a roller-coaster.

9. See my family.

10. Come out.

11. Reconnect with old friends

In the morning I got up feeling good about what I had to do. Then I remembered something to put on my list:

11. Help mina get Kiri and Bakugou together.

I practically skipped to school. For the first time in weeks I actually tried really hard in class. I sat with Momo Kota and Sato at lunch and they were surprisingly friendly. I hung out with mina after school since she wasn't busy and we tried to make a plan for operation KiriBaku. Once she left I finished off my homework and went to bed.

The next day was kid of the same. I worked hard in my lessons and hung out with different people. I managed to get Shinso's number as well. I spent the evening face timing him and doing homework. The rest of the week continued like that. Deku spent any spare time he had hanging out with me and making my time worthwhile. He even came with me to pick out a cat for Mr. Aizawa. On Friday I called my family and arranged for them to come the next weekend. That would mean two weeks of them fussing over me and giving me more love that I could handle.

I said sorry to all of the girls in 1A for being a perv and told them they were all beautiful. They forgave me and somehow we managed to get the whole class to go to a theme park with us the next day. When we got to the park the next day everyone was planning what rollercoasters to ride and what groups to go in. Somehow with the help of Kiri I managed to get Bakugou to fide the serpent. Kiri and Bakugou walked onto the ride but I stayed behind. They were already strapped in when they realised I wasn't there. "Oi Dunce face! Why the hell are you still there get on the ride!" Bakugay called. "No can do." I laughed. "Enjoy your date!" both of them blushed and I ran away before Bakugou could kill me.

I rode a huge rollercoaster with mina and it was terrifying. I almost threw up. But right before everyone went home I worked up the courage to tell them I was Bi. Luckily everyone accepted me. Actually the majority of our class wasn't straight.

I hung out with everyone and I got everyone's numbers. I even managed to make some friends in 1B and the other courses. The teachers noticed my grades going up and congratulated me. Everything was great but I felt empty because I never would've done all of this if I wasn't going to die. And now I had to leave it all behind. I finally found the perfect cat for Mr. Aizawa and asked if I could reserve her. After explaining my situation they let me, probably because they felt bad.

The weekend finally came and my family came hurdling through my front door. I didn't realise how much I had missed them. At dinner I stood up to make the announcement. "Ok. I have something to say." I told them. "Two weeks ago I got my time. I only had a month. I'm going to die in two weeks. I really wanted to spend them with you guys and my friends." Everyone was shocked and then bundled me into a group hug. Everyone was crying. "Do your friends know?" my mother asked. "Only one person knows. And he only got a year." I told her.

The rest of the weekend was full of family outing and huddle sessions. I told them about my crush on Shinso and they were all happy for me. I love them so much, they are the best family ever.

My mom asked if I could get the next week of school with my class. I let her explain to Mr. Aizawa and he said he would take us on a school trip to make my second to last week memorable. He let my parent come as chaperones. We went to a realy cool hotel near the beach that had a waterpark and some rides. It was truly awesome. Deku asked if it was me who had done this and I told him what had happened. "No. well not really. My mom asked if I could have the week off but Aizawa said no so she told him how long I had and then my mum shouted at him for 30 minutes and I think he was scared so he agreed to a school trip with my family as chaperones and now were here." I said.

We had so much fun at the waterpark. My family somehow managed to get me in a pair with Shinso when we had to split of into groups at the beach. He looked so hot. How does he have abs? I did not think of the possibility of him having abs when I agreed to this. To make matters worse my mother kept smirking at me and wiggling her eyebrows at me.

The week was good but I wished it didn't have to end. After the weekend I realised that I only had one week left. I got slightly depressed because of this and everyone was busy. The most common response I got was. "Sorry Denki, I'm busy this week. Maybe next week." I wasn't going to get a next week. On Monday I stuffed my face with food and realised how beautiful the sun was. On Tuesday I played video games every spare second with Shinso and my parents. Wednesday was when I told kirishima and Bakugou straight up that they should get together. By Thursday I told Shinso I loved him and left him dumfounded in a corridor. And on Friday I gave Aizawa his cat. I knew he really wanted one. Then I said goodbye to my class.

Midoriya was crying and I nodded to him silently telling him that he could tell them. I walked outside and listened from behind the door. Everyone asked him what was wrong and he sobbed for a few seconds before managing to stutter. "H-He only h-had a m-month. T- Today he's going t-to d-die." Everything was silent and I ran out of the school grounds. Suddenly I heard multiple footsteps behind me, my classmates. I wasn't thinking straight (Am I ever) and I ran into traffic. All I heard was the honking of a horn and then everything went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2020 ⏰

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