Chapter 1

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"...I want them gone. How would you like it if you had to be attacked by reporters every time you walked out the door? You wouldn't like it at all, would you? I don't want my daughter to have to go through..." My mom yelled at my bodyguards. There were at least 20 paparazzi outside my house, just waiting to snap a picture of me the minute I walked outside. My mom hated it. I didn't mind it much. I kind of liked all of the publicity. Not to sound conceited ir anything, but I looked good on the cover of a magazine. Besides, the public loved me. They thought I was the sweetest girl ever. I may have been a boyfriend stealer, but to them it was always the other girl's fault because I was "too sweet to ever steal someone's boyfriend like that".

"Mom, stop being a bitch to the guards." I said, filing my nails on the red chair right next to our front door. My mom said it was for "decoration only," but I sat on it anyways. Who has a decorative chair?

"Language!" My mom yelled, turning to me. I rolled my eyes at her. Her face got really red and she yelled, "Fine. If you wanna be attacked by paparazzi all the damn time, be my guest." Then she stomped into the kitchen. I giggled. I got up and looked in the mirror across from my front door. If I was gonna get photographed while walking outside, I had to look good.

My long, straight blonde hair look amazing as always. I was wearing a short eggshell dress with a tanish button-up sweater on top, unbuttoned of course. I also was wearing see through black tights and 2-inch heeled brown tie-up boots. On top of all of it, I wore my necklace that I always wore. It was a silver chain with a gold, diamond studded ring on it. Everyone always asked me what it was, but I told them it was a secret. It kept things interesting; it kept them wondering about me. I was like a puzzle and they had to try and figure me out.

Once I was positive that I looked totally magazine cover worthy, I threw on my eggshell Raybans and opened my front door. As soon as they saw me, they all tried to get through the golden gate that surrounded my house. I smiled sweetly and innocently. I walked toward the front of the gate and typed in the code. I slowly opened the door and got out. Suddenly, there were millions of cameras flashing in my face and people blurting out questions. I just posed a few times and squeezed my way through. I was waiting for my boyfriend Sean to pick me up. He told me that he "had something important to tell me," so I was just waiting for him to pick me up. Sure enough, here came Sean in his red Ferari. I got into the front seat and looked at him.

"Well, what was so important that you had to come over to my house just to tell me?" I asked him in a snotty tone. Sean laughed.

"I'm sure happy I don't love you," he said back. I shot him a dirty look.

You see, me and him aren't really dating. Sean Bradford is the guy that everyone wants to be with. He was voted Hottest Guy of 2012. He was in this big movie where he was a superhero or something. Anyways, he used to be dating this girl who was in the movie with him, named Madison Silver. But about 6 months ago, my management and his management thought it would be a good idea if we pretended to date, considering we were the two biggest movie stars right now. We decided to go along with it and, sure enough, the public loved us. I mean they really loved us. We were the "it" couple of the year. Of course, it left Madison hating me, but I could care less. I was rich and the public loved me. What more could I ask for?

But, anyways, me and Sean didn't really get along that well. In front of cameras and in public, we were the cutest couple ever; always hugging and kissing and smiling. But in private, we were really mean and snotty to each other. I couldn't stand Sean. It was bad enough I had to pretend to love him in front of everyone, and now he was at my house? I really wasn't too thrilled.

"Sean, what the hell do you want?" I asked him, giving him one more chance.

"Okay, okay. Belle, we've been..."going out" for a really long time. And, to be honest, we really hate each other. I don't even want to pretend to date you anymore. So I guess what I'm saying is that we're over." Sean said. I just stared at him.

"No." I said solidly. He gave me a blank look. "What? I said no! We're not breaking up. It'll just complicate our fame." I said.

"Belle, I'm serious. We're breaking up. I'm going to talk to my management right now so that they can get the word out and-"

"No need." I cut him off. I looked out the window to make sure the paparazzi were still there. Sure enough, there they were, trying to snap pictures of me and Sean through the tinted windows of his Furari. I opened the door and got out of the car yelling, "I hate you Sean! I can't believe you would cheat on me with Madison of all people! We're finished!" I slammed the car door and let fake tears roll down my cheek. I sniffled a few times and ran back inside my house. As soon as I got inside, I smiled to myself. Soon, the world would blame Sean for our breakup. They would hate him and feel sorry for me. Perfect.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2012 ⏰

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