# 1*Pinkie Pie* as (Freddy)
# 2 *Rarity* as (Phone Guy) or (Phone Pony) or (Phone Mare) or (day pony guard)
# 3 *Rainbow Dash* as (Foxy)
# 4 *Twilight Sparkle* as (Bonnie)
# 5 *Fluttershy* as (Chicha)
# 6 *AppleJack* as (Secerity Guard)
# 7 *pinkamena* as (golden freddy)or (golden pinkie) or (golden pinkamena)
Five Nights at Pinkie's (Official)
Horror{Please Read}Hello TheBronyTeers here let me/us introduce myself/ourselves .OK the one who is writing this is Jay the Green Pegasus pony in our profile photo he is 13 he is the creator of the group and he is always trying to make time to do theses t...