Chapter 1

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Merry Christmas

A Writing'sCoolIGuess & New Iceland Fiction

Christmas Special

(ft. Duncan)


"HELLO?" I awake slowly full of grog to the sound of a familiar voice.

"Uugh. . ." I moan as my head throbs vigorously as the beating heart.

"Hellooo?" Duncan yells through the hallway around the corner searing the sound into my ringing ears.

"Duncan," I find the strength to pull myself up to a, homely sight

"Ah! Mark, found yo-"

"Please shut up" My words strike like a viper cutting off Duncan's sentence. Almost disappointing him, but he knows not to make a bother of it.

Duncan nicely shuts his mouth, then heads over to the kitchen without a sound more.
Thinking about it, I quite enjoy 'celebrating' Christmas Eve a day early. Gives us another day to get hammered without having work the next morning. Jane scrambled over the pontoon we now share, I don't remember how this happened but I'm not one to complain; I always liked Jane. Seems like she had it rougher than I did, come to think of it, Duncan doesn't even seem phased by last night; That's so like him.
All I remember last night; mostly bits and pieces, was a flurry of drinks one after the other as the four of us repeatedly died of laughter over the obscenity of Cards Against Humanity.
One time, Duncan had played some ridiculous card. Probably something one of us wrote down about fucking something or other. Then, the best by far Lynn had played the card 'the entire population of France' and without a word of doubt, we burst into an insane laughter for a good ten minutes at least. Even then we barely cooled down to say another word.
Several of these sessions later the night had ended with a D10 drinking game. I don't know what happened after that, except winning the game, that I remember. We were already drunk off our minds before we started, but somehow we managed to make it to the end.

I start to hear some clatter from the kitchen, Duncan's probably starving. Now that I think about it, I wouldn't mind a bite to eat myself.
"Hey Dunc!" I yell, but the girls are still out cold.
"Oi, what's up?" He shouts back
"Could you grab me a bite to eat as well?" I asked cautiously
"Yeah, sure thing. Scratch that, I'll whip up something for the lot of us!" he exclaims happily.
Duncan usually doesn't do things like cook a meal for the lot of anyone. I guess after a night like last night, we all became pretty swell friends.


After a few moments pass I finally find the proper mind to get up for some grub. Looking around I being to find that Jane isn't around. I guess she either went hope; probably not after the night we had, or she sobered up enough to head to the shop or something.
I turn the dining room light on to find a hell of a mess. Bottles of alcohol scattered everywhere, the board still on the table almost covered in a bit of rum. I guess I should clear this out before Dunc comes with his display of breakfast mockery. I begin to clear out the empty bottles; luckily there isn't any broken glass around.
When I try clear the board off the table it stinks of various alcoholic beverages and sticks to the table. It seems we won't be using this board again. We'd need a new one anyways, this one was too easy. Except for Jane; she took the brunt of the drinking in the beginning and could barely hold on nearing the end. I can't help but feel sorry for her.
After clearing the table of all the junk, it's still covered in the sticky residue. As so I head over to the kitchen to find Dunc being the mad chef he is concocting a mystery array of foods. It is Christmas Eve after all.

Merry Christmas - A WCIG and New Iceland Fiction SpecialWhere stories live. Discover now