hello mates, read me rq

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Hello y'all, I hope you dudes, dudettes, and anything in-between (or neither), are doing good with what's going on in this shit of a world atm. From the virus to the protests and riots, I hope y'all are safe and doing what you can to help, even if you aren't going to protest you can still sign petitions and/or donate to help the BLM movement. I myself am mixed (black and Filipino) and honestly scared as hell to go outside atm for obvious reasons.

People have been peacefully protesting for years and still haven't been heard, of course they are gonna be upset and change tatics, but that doesn't mean the people protesting and those who are looting, if you may, are the same people. Others are using protests to kinda get away with fucking shit up and people are making them the same as well as the media. Please please please educate yourselves on this and know what's going on so we can all help get the justice and peace black people have deserved for years. Even if you don't go out in the streets or donate money, still sign the petitions or you can also support black owned businesses as well.

And please don't say alm because yeah no shit all lives matter but if black lives are being killed unrightfully and discriminated against for no reason then guess what? Not all lives freaking matter, so please just educate yourself on all of this and help however you can, a little can go along way. If you do go to the riots  then please make sure you stay safe out there.

Sorry to rant y'all but it's an important matter that needs to be shared. Well bye bye now stay safe 😌

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