Chapter 15

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I tried to dry my hair off and turned towards Jackson to ask whether he was okay. And then right after I did I saw the most shocking and unbelievable thing so far in my life...

"Jackson!" I said right away.

Jackson was wearing the hoodie , i mean wearing... wearing the hoodie . Covering his head. The thing that struck my mind right after I saw him was none other than the MURDERER SKETCH drawn by Yugyeom ~ssi's information.

The side profile of the murderer wearing a black hoodie. It's the same just like this. It can't be Jackson. The sketch and Jackson look exactly the same. I couldn't believe what I saw.
I was looking at him my eyes opened wide and my jaws dropped. And also Jackson was looking at me with a very confused facial expression. He might be thinking , is this woman crazy?

I wanted to ask him , confront him about everything but i had no solid proof or even the sketch with me, so i could just bring the topic, to ask where he was on the nights of the murders and Mr Jimin's incident. But I had no way to do that. Since the time I saw him and recognized him as the person on the drawing. I was so worried about everything. Something doesn't add up.

I ought to be happy because i got one step closer in solving the cases. But it all has to begin with Jackson made me worried. But anyways i didn't say or ask a word from him about any of those. I just pretended I didn't see anything and went on talking with him. But i was cautious if he spits out some important information or evidence in case. You may never know actually.

We spend the whole evening together . Though i got to know that Jackson is kinda involved in the case after today's shocking reveal, i couldn't accept that. My heart doesn't want me to. I don't know why. Even after all these things happened ,the rest of the day I spent with Jackson didn't affect me at all. I loved spending time with him even though I don't know why on earth I'm feeling like that.

However it was getting dark, after the sudden heavy rain. I decided to go home. Jackson insisted on dropping me home , but I didn't . I didn't want Mark to see me with him. And besides i had my vehicle parked at the precinct. Jackson was insisting me to drop me, i said that he can drop me at the precinct if he is okay with that.

But mysteriously he was shocked when I said about the precinct .

"Oh! Actually Sheshta I forgot something , I gotta run some errands." He said confused and shocked.

I knew something was off. He was avoiding the fact that i told him to drop me at the precinct , because he knows that he did something bad and he is guilty. Is that what i think it is? I wondered.

However I got down at the precinct and we bid our goodbyes. I was standing there until Jackson's vehicle was out of my sight. Today was a very hectic day for me. I grabbed my car keys from my bag and got into my car. And drove home. I thought of telling Mark what happened, then I decided not to. But my mind told me to tell Mark because he will help me in solving this case.

When I was home, Mark was watching TV eating a huge bag of chips. My mind was in a debate whether to tell Mark or not. I sat next to him.

"Hey Sheshta how was your day?" He asked, smiling.

"It ... it was..." I can't lie normally.

I'm not a good liar and here Mark caught me off guard. So at last i decided to tell him.

"Actually Mark! There is something i want to tell you..." i said with hesitation.

"What is it? It looks serious I guess , your tone just changed the atmosphere..." he said with a sigh.

"I found out who the person in the picture is  , I mean the witness's sketch..." I said. Wondering the best way to say it.

" Oh in that case there is something i need to tell you too... but you go ahead first..." Mark said. But he didn't look surprised at all when i said i found the guy.

"The thing is I met Jackson today at the park. Then suddenly it rained and then Jackson put in his hoodie to cover his head. And guess what Jackson looked exactly the same as the person in the picture. I was shocked to an extend that I couldn't even speak...'' I said to Mark.
But even then he didn't look surprised at all. It was like he knew it from the beginning. However I told him the whole story, it was like a burden lifted away from me.


I guess Sheshta knows now that Jackson is the culprit behind everything. I was so worried that I had to lie to her and continue doing that. I hope she's okay , I think she was close to Jackson. I told her how I found out about him when Jackson came to visit my dad.

"Sheshta! There is something I want to say. Actually I knew about it about a week ago. I couldn't tell you because I thought you'd be in danger if you knew about it. You know i care for you alot.So please don't misunderstand me.'' I said to Sheshta.

I was happy and relieved now that she knows too but also scared at the same time , about her. So I decided to help her in this case because Jimin is not around but under one condition.


I was shocked when Mark said he knew it before me . I didn't blame him for telling me because I know he did it for a reason. I asked Mark to help me crack this case because now I have a lead and also Mr Jimin is not here.

"I'll help you Sheshta but first you need to listen to me, what i  have to say , okay..." he asked me.

"Yeah sure..." I said back.

"You know I hid the fact that Jackson was the guy in the sketch because I didn't want you getting hurt. So ill help you if you help me..." he said disappointed and worried.

"What is it?" I was confused.

"You have to stay away from Jackson until the case is closed. We still don't know whether he is the murderer or not for sure because of that I don't want you near him at all... Do you agree with me on those terms ? If so ill help you with anything." He said . Mark was staring at me waiting for my reply.

"Okay deal." I said.

I took a bath and joined Mark , to watchTV. It was about 7.00 pm and suddenly I received a phone call.

"Hello , Is this Kim Sheshta?" The voice said.

"Yes... who is this?" I asked back.

"Good evening , I'm calling from the Itaewon Hospital. There is good news Mr Park Jimin woke up this evening. The doctor wants to meet you. Bye..." the voice said and hung up the call.

I was so happy and shocked at the same time. Finally he is awake and i hope he is okay now. He came out of the coma earlier than what the doctor said. What a relief.
I quickly ran and gave a hug to Mark because I was too happy regarding the good news.

"Mark! Guess what? Mr Jimin woke up this evening." I said releasing Mark from the hug.

"Wow... that's good news for a change..." he said smiling.

"I know right , I should call Mrs Sunmi and tell her too." I said.

The hospital had my details and called me and not  Mrs Sunmi because  I was the one who called the ambulance and brought him in. I dialed her number.

"Hello , Mrs Sunmi , the hospital called and said your husband has woken up. Let's meet at the hospital." I said.

"Oh god really. Thank god. I ll be there. See you soon Miss Sheshta." She said.

Myself and Mark both of us decided to go. We got onto Marks suv and went to the hospital.

Mrs Sunmi was waiting for us at the entrance  and catched up with her. I gave her  a warm hug. I think she needed that after what she went through.

We met the doctor first as the nurse told us to. Before we meet Jimin. The doctor's whole expression changed when he saw us. I guess this is not the end, something bad was about to come. That kind of vibe happens to change at that moment.


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