The Duet

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"Ugh" I groaned and stood up. 7:30 at night which means I have a couple hours to get ready for work. Too bad I had to miss Warped Tour for this. Tay Jardine and We Are The In Crowd were playing earlier in the day but I had to sleep so I would be well rested for tonight. Tay Jardine. The name crossed my mind again followed by thoughts. You'll never be good enough. She's famous and you make a living singing to drunk guys for slightly over minimum wage. I didn't even know I was crying until I looked in the mirror. The long tear stains ran down my pale cheeks. Why did I have to go falling in love with her?
Oh well.... she'll never love me back. I straightened my long black hair and did my usual eye liner. I didn't realize I had pulled on my WATIC shirt with Tay on it until I looked in the mirror. I know what you're thinking... it's just a celebrity crush, but it's not. I have legitimately fallen for her as a person. She's just so amazing. I pulled on my purple skinny jeans and purple beanie to match. I took one last look in the mirror at my hair. I looked on the table for my lanyard. I grinned when I found the familiar logo of Tonight Alive. I picked up my keys and walked out the door. I drove to work in my car and quickly clocked in.
"Raven." My boss said. "Yeah?" I looked at him. He's tall with dark shaggy hair and tattoos covering every inch of his exposed arms. "Someone is coming to sing a duet with you tonight. She said to keep it a surprise who she was until she got on stage with you." I nodded along and smiled. A duet huh? Sounds like a perfect way to flirt a little. I chuckled softly so he wouldn't notice. "Alright dude I'm going to head up. Is it going to be the last song?" He nodded and shooed me off so he could answer the phone. I got up there and sang a few songs and finally it came to the last song of the night. The stage lights went dark as a few people settled into the instruments behind me. I noticed a silhouetted figure standing to the side stage. It was definitely female.
"Alright guys..... Some of you might know us and some might not, but that's all okay." I could sense a smile in her voice as she moved closer. "Tonight we'll be singing a song written by my band called......." She paused for effect. I knew that voice from somewhere. It was too familiar for this to be my first time hearing it. The drummer played a drumroll and I smiled. "Kiss Me Again." I stopped and looked at the figures behind me. The girl leaned into me and whispered "You got Alex's part. Nice shirt by the way." I heard the beginning chords start up and the lights turned back on. The figures behind me were We Are The In Crowd. The girl standing before me..... Tay Jardine.
I started singing and walking around the stage. I glanced behind my shoulder at her as she begins to sing. Her cheeks flushed red. Was she..... Blushing? She refused to meet my gaze as she sang "it's been a while since I've felt butterflies." She started. I joined in with her and we sang the whole song. She smiled at me and waved me closer. "You're a great singer. And rather attractive if I may say so." Wait. No this can't be happening. As far as I know she's straight. As far as I know. The words repeated in my head and I grinned. She looked around.... Most likely for her band mates. I saw a faint pout appear on her lips. "It seems the boys have left." She looked down at her shoes. "I could give you a ride to ummm.... Wherever" I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly.
She hugged me and smiled. "Thanks." I nodded and slowly walked towards the door. She reached out and intertwined our fingers together. I blushed and looked at her to notice she was blushing too. I opened the car door for her and let her in. I slid into the front seat, "Where to?" I asked. She gave me directions and asked if I had a pen. I pointed to the glove box and she nodded her thanks and pulled out some paper, writing a quick note, and then folding it and putting it in her jacket pocket. She slipped off the jacket and turned up the radio.
"What's your favorite color?" She asked looking at me, "I don't really have one. I like green and purple and red and blue" I said. "Favorite disney movie?" I smiled. "Well that would have to be the Lion King" she grinned. "Well we'll have to watch it sometime" I nodded and smiled back at her. All too soon I saw our destination appear in front of us. She must've noticed as well because I saw that adorable pout appear on her face again. "Awww I was having fun." She looked at me. "Me too...." I stared down at the steering wheel.
I felt something brush against my cheek and looked up to notice her pulling away. I felt my face heat up. "Thanks for the ride." She said getting out of the car. "We'll be in town a couple more days. You should call me up if you want to hang out." She winked and walked away. She got to the door and walked in, slowly shutting the bus door behind her with a small wave. She never gave me her number. And of course I didn't ask. Once again... Why would someone so famous want me? I drove home playing one of my favorite CDs. Light Me Up by The Pretty Reckless.
I smiled and sang along to the familiar songs. I arrived home and looked in the passenger seat. She forgot her jacket. I picked it up and a piece of paper fell out. It had a phone number on it followed by "I can't wait until you find this. Text me sometime. Tay~" I smiled and slipped the jacket over my pale shoulders and walked inside. Or more like floated with the happiness within me.
Me: Hey... Did you mean to leave your number Tay?
Tay: Hey! Yeah I did. I just thought maybe we could hang out sometime?
Me: I'd love that!
Tay: Tomorrow maybe..... A movie marathon or something?
Me: Sure. You could come over here and we could watch a bunch of movies
Tay: Okay c: it'll have to be early in the day unless ummm..... I could stay over?
Me: I'm okay with that. But I have to go to sleep if I want to clean up some before you come over. Goodnight....
Tay: Goodnight. Sweet dreams~
Tay Jardine is coming over to hang out with me. She's going to spend the night with me. God I hope I'm not too obvious about my crush on her. Haha crush.... As if I'm not madly in love with her. I groaned and ran my fingers through my hair. You've got it bad Raven. I smiled and laid in bed. I do love her. Figuring out more about her today was amazing. I cant wait until tomorrow.

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