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Running and hiding is all I'm good at. It's what has been taught to me the most by life. Being different or unnatural to the humans who control this world means you always have to run. If you're caught or found, you're shipped to the Dark Continent and God knows what kinds of beasts live there.

Fear is what kept me alive.

The shackles around my wrist aches and burned as it rubbed against my wrists and ankles. The cloth clad on my back itched as I sat against the cool grey metal walls. Feeling tears slip down my cheeks, I started crying softly again as I waited for my doom.

Any unnaturals or supernaturals are to be executed if caught. Any that survive bullets or poison are dumped into the freezing ocean currents. Almost no one, even the immortal can survive drowning in these dangerous waters that can smash them to pieces..

Dumb luck can't save me sense I ran out of any luck when I got caught trying to get some food from a homeless shelter. Nymphs In general are easy to identify when they're not dirty and covered up, but they must've seen my eyes sense most regular humans don't have blue silvery eyes.

Since I'm a direct descendant, I have most abilities of Nymphs (more specifically water nymphs) but slightly weakened since the pollution in the waters has hurt me for years. I'm allowed to travel on land, but I need to come in contact with water at some point or I will fade back into the realm where most of my sisters are now.

For years, I was conflicted on letting myself fade back to the realm and rejoice with my fallen sisters. But, being selfish and wanting to see what's truly left of our home lands is what kept me alive. Wanting a family of my own and enjoying the pleasures of food has also kept me alive. But now, it seems like my dreams were too unrealistic to ask for.

Laying on the floor, I feel myself drift off as I can only watch as one by one, the other prisoners are yanked out of the cell and taken to the deck. I can't see what's happening but I can hear a crack of a gun as it rings throughout the walls. I started tearing up even more realizing that this is my fate.

We were allowed to keep one personal item when we went onto the ship. Everything else was stripped away because they're considered valuable to greedy and disgusting collectors since we are unnaturals. Apparently my Walmart-like shirt and pants are "one of a kind" since our dna and scent is possibly on it. Eyes like to be collected as well sometimes since some of our eyes can be quite beautiful, only adding to the rarity.

The personal item I kept on me was a little booklet that had an attachable pencil. I wanted to write about my experience as an outlet on this ship since I'm gagged. At least my wrists were shackled in front of me. The salty sea air fills the cell as the door slams open, our captors drag another crying prisoner out. In hysterics, her eyes land on me and says a unspoken goodbye as she wriggled, wildly kicking her legs, unable to scream. 

My mind was becoming dizzy as I fell to the ground, barely able to breath since my nose was clogged up. My eyes were blurry as I lift my head up to see only one person left with me. He was a lean and tall man, beautiful looking even in all this filth. He possibly taller then my height, sat quietly crying with me as we stared at each other, unable to look away. His eyes were like amber jewels that was noticeable against all the grey and blacks. 

Another muffled gunshot cracked through the air as we sat there in silence, waiting for our turn. My knees burned as I lifted myself up, shuffling/crawling towards him. Before my death, I wanted to let the only person like me know it's ok. Dragging my weak body up, I lean onto him and look into his eyes as he looked back into mine. 

He didn't deserve this, no one deserves something like this. 

We cried together as we waited and scared out of wits as we take comfort in each other. He leaned his head on my shoulder, his tears soaking my thin dirty shirt. His chin had a some stubble that scratched against me; so human like. I put my arms over his head, hugging him to me and trying my best to stay strong for him. The fleeting moments of warmth felt as if they were so much hotter then anything I've ever felt in my life. 

 It was as if we were the only two people in the world.

The loud stomps of footsteps come near, ricocheting off the steel walls. I pull my arms off him and looked straight into his eyes. I wept as I saw his broken soul in his eyes shatter as the door swung open. Three scruffy, hulking men came over and grabbed both of us by the chains around our wrists. We were the last ones to go out, they probably didn't want to waste time. 

Dragging us down the halls; my feet were bloodied as it rubbed against the coarse floor. My covered my eyes as I tried to scream against the gags, terrified for what's about to come next. Opening the latch, they threw us onto the ships deck and the wind screamed against my ears. Punching me and the man in the back of our heads, we fell onto our knees. 

Dizzy and nauseous, I waited for what's going to happen next. Unlocking the chains around my ankles and feet, a giant brute stood before me with a vile grin. His greasy hair and breathe smelled like rotting meat as he bared down on me. 

"Oi mate, am I allowed to have fun with this one?" His deep and scraggly voice boomed.

"Sure, I can't see why you wouldn't."  The man remarked behind us.

I looked up in terror realizing my situation before us. I swing my head to the left, staring at my new friend in desperation. Looking back at me in agony, tears wells his eyes as he struggles against his restraints. Grabbing onto my hair, the giant maggot yanked my hair and threw me on the ground. Struggling was useless as he held down my arms and licked disgusting lips. So much malice emitted from him that it reeked as he started to pull up my shirt. 

Suddenly, tearing through his restraints with so much anger, my friend grabbed onto the maggot-looking hulk and grappled him. Throwing him with the strength of titan, the hulk landed on his back, gasping for air.

The crew members were alerted on the small ship and started to rush out to form a circle around me and him. Roaring with anger and sadness, friend got ready to charge them as his muscles started to show veins. 

Before anyone could do anything, I glanced over to a tidal wave start to make its way over. As soon as friend landed a skull crushing blow a crew members head. A gust of wind caused the ship to crash against some underwater rocks. The mist made it blurry and I had to rely on my senses again.

I jolted and scrambled to get up, not wanting to get caught by hungry-eyed crew members. I latched onto friends arm, using all my strength to pull him away. Sensing my urgency, we ran to edge of the ship, watching in horror as the men was catching up on his. These crew mates weren't human

Standing on the edge, I hugged him tightly and watched at the massive wave capsized the ship. Knocking us off, we plunged into the waters, shocked from the cold and unable to move.

Water dunked us under and all I could see was darkness. Pushing us deeper into the dark, subzero waters, I gripped onto friend as hard as I can. Looking up, the light started to fade away as the only light I could see was Friends' beautiful eyes. 

Sinking, I can see bubbles leave his throat, unable to breath as he struggled to move his legs. I was fighting against a impossible battle as I pull my body up towards the surface. The murky depths only pull us back down, unrelenting on trapping us. 

I didn't want to separate from him when I die. As my mind started to fade into darkness, I instinctively held onto him as he held onto me. Feeling my life start leaving me, I felt happy. 

At least I know I won't fade away alone. 

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