The Closet

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((Bonnie's POV))

I hate seeing Freddy and Goldy fight. I always find Goldy in Parts and Service broken more ever time. I casually pop in every so often and today was the day Freddy was in Party Room Two performing like he does every Wednesday. I snuck into the Parts and Services room to see Goldy on the ground. I walked over to the light switch and l flicked it on. I skipped over to Goldy, found his "on" switch on his back and flicked it.

((Goldy's POV))

I feel my eyes start to slowly get brighter and I looked around and saw Bonnie. "Hello." I spoke slowly, not knowing his buisness here. After he saw that I was on, he seemed to lighten up. "How's your arm been?" He asked. I quickly replied, "It's been fine, I guess. What are you doing here anyways?" He then kissed me on the nose. I blushed super hard, so that my cheeks looked like ripe tomatoes. I finally hugged him back after an awkward silence bettween us, cheeks getting redder by the minute. I kissed him on his nose and then we talked for a bit.

((6 Months later))

Bonnie and I have been pretty close lately. He even showed me to the kids after he made sure I'd healed enough. I love him, and he loves me....

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