The original announcement post

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Hello again!So sorry to make an announcement this late at night, if you are on the east coast. (Or the West)I just wanted to come on here and talk about somethings that might be happening.So first and foremost, I wanted to talk about something that I'm going to be creating. It's a "story" that will basically just be a bunch of author's notes and updates about each story. It is where I will be posting updates on each of the stories that I am writing. I know you guys as readers don't tend to like the chapters that have a bunch of author's notes , so I thought I'd create a separate space for where updates can be made. This "story" will literally be called, "Announcements. In the Works, & Story Updates." Secondly, I want to thank everyone who has spent the time to read the stories I've made, and the amazing and helpful comments I've received on them. Your comments mean more to me than you realize. I'd also like to apologize for my negligence to the stories in the last few months. There has been a lot of school things happening, and when summer break hits, I promise, PROMISE, I will write more than I have in the past month or so. The first chapter of the "Updates" will be this announcements, with more to follow. Thank you for your patience, and for reading this far into the announcement. I love all of you!

P.S: The Notes, Updates, and Announcements, will not all appear like this, if anyone one was wondering. 

Thank you once again for all the patience :)

Announcements, In the Works, and Story UpdatesWhere stories live. Discover now