Mayonaka Yami

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Name (l/f): Mayonaka Yami

Kanji: 真夜中 闇

Name Meaning: Midnight (Mayonaka), Yami (Darkness)

Alias/Nickname(s): Yami-Chan, Yami-Kun, Onee-Chan, Mystery

Age: 15 (16 by Season 4 and 17 in the manga)

Birthday: May 3rd

Sex: Female

Height: 165 cm (5'4)

Weight: 53.24 kg (117.38 lbs)

Physical Description:
Yami has a slim build with barely any curves. She's got them, but they're nowhere near close to Hatsume's or Momo's. Her body is only slightly curvier that Jiro's. She's got straight, ebony hair that reaches the center of her back. She normally puts her hair into braids to keep it from being so much of a hassle when she's fighting. She also has incredibly pale skin; most likely a cause of lack of sunlight. Her eyes are a deep purple that seem almost... Empty? She has a small scar on her left cheek from a fight she'd gotten into with a classmate who used a knife quirk.

Nationality: Japanese

School: Shiketsu High

Year: 1

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What made them choose this path: Yami's quirk was quite an interesting one. It kind of sprang out of nowhere and shocked her parents. She was always told Portal quirks were rare, and that she should try out for a hero academy. While she was willing to give it a shot, Yami was hesitant and doubtful that her quirk would get her very far. She managed to pass Shiketsu's entrance exam and just kinda started at the school. She'd had no motivation to do much with her life, no dream plans, no nothing. She was an entirely blank slate. She kind of has no motive.

Hero Name: The Teleporter Hero- Void

Why they chose that name: Yami has always been a fan of... Darker things. When you think of a void in space you normally think of black, right? Well, that's what she pictured at least.

Costume: Yami wears a skin-tight black suit with silver trimmings that form a silver spiral near the center of her chest. Yami also wears a pair of black gloves that don't cover her fingers, instead hook between her thumbs. She has black gauntlets on her arms and black metallic boots on her feet. She has a mask that is similar to Gran Torino's.

Why they designed it the way they did: The body-suit is easy to move around in and doesn't prohibit her from moving a certain way. The suit itself is made from a thick polyethylene type fiber that is often seen in bullet-proof vests. The gauntlets and boots are made of a form of carbon steel. It's used as a guard for her if she ever gets into close combat.


Bo Staff: Yami normally uses a Bo staff that has a capture weapon built into the end of it. It's got a couple of buttons near where she holds it that activates the capture device.

Throwing Knives: She knows how to not kill people with throwing knives, and she has to be extremely careful not to cut people up too much.

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Past/Backstory: Despite how she acts, Yami actually grew up in a pleasant household. Her family's never really moved because they never had the need or money to move. She grew up in a family that made just enough to get by, her dad being a college professor and her mom being a high school teacher, you'd expect her family to make quite a bit, but when you are raising four children, three of whom are boys, under one rooftop things are going to get expensive. Even entering Primary School, Yami was a bit on the... Weird side. She'd always be staring out a window or into the dark recesses of the classroom. She preferred things quiet and still. Entering Junior High, she actually began to be made fun of for her weirdness. She actually attended Aldera Junior High with Midoriya and Katsuki; though she hardly knew either at all. At Shiketsu she's still the weird quiet one who rarely speaks. The reason she never talks is that she grew up with three loud brothers who never let her get a word in edgewise, so she just kind of... Stopped. As for her love of shadows; it's honestly a mystery where she got the love from.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2020 ⏰

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