Chapter 1

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I'm sitting in my new bedroom now, and I figured, Hey! Let's tell random people about how I got here, in hopes that maybe my finds might put the least bit of effort like finding me on Facebook.

My name is Percy Jackson and I am twelve years old. I promise you, I am abnormal and this is highly unlikely to happen to you.  I was supposed to be taking a plane back to New York, Instead I ended up on a plane to paris. What's worse? I didn't realise it until I got off IN Paris!! I hoped I could just call for help, you use long, LONG distance calling to call my friends. Didn't turn out so well.

Now, before I tell you what happened, let me explain something. Us demigods, we have to fight monsters that the Titans send at us. With me so far? Well to bad I'm continuing. The demititans have to fight monsters that the gods send at them. 
Changing the subject a bit now.

Each country is either demigod territory or demititan territory. Paris is demititan territory. The gods tend to send their monsters in with no moments hesitation. So I had to reasons to be scared. 1. I could get jumped by a demititan who knows I don't belong here. 2. The Monsters might sense power on me and not bother checking to see if I'm a demigod.

So ya, walking through deserted allys was a pretty stupid Idea.

Finally, as night was just beginning to fall two monsters approached me. I silently prayed they would sense the godly blood, but alas, all they could sense was my power. I turned and ran,  almost tripping on ever empty soda can and beer bottle. The next few seconds were unbelieivably lucky.

I fell right into two kids, who looked my age, but also looked 21 and ready to kill. As soon as they realised why I had been running at the speeds that I was, they pulled me behind them and charged the two monsters, killing them on the spot.

When they walked back over to me, they imediatly noticed my godly aura. As they studied for a good moment or two, I decided to do the same to them.

The kid who stood on the left was a girl.  She had long black hair (same color as mine actually) that was pulled back into a painfully-looking ponytail. She had on a plain black t-shirt and a leather jacket draping her body from neck to hip. The pant-legs of her black pants were stuffed neatly inside of tall, black, leather boots. (Two things I had forgotten. 1.demititans are insanly rich, due to their titan parents giving them money. 2. demititans have a dress code when purposlly going out to fight monsters.)

The kid on the right, was a boy who looked a lot like me, but the same time, identical to the girl. same color hair, and and same everything except his boots weren't tall.

They were done studying me by the time I was studying them because the girl spoke up. "What the hell is a demigod doing in Paris?" Fair question. I was about to answer her question when the boy spoke up. "Look how skinny the damned boy is, let's get him some food whilst he answers that." With the boy saying that He and the girl led me out of the ally and down the streets of Paris.

As we had just turned the corner releasing us from the ally, I had to ask. "What are your names?" Both of them smiled a little naughty smile, reminding me about studies at camp. appearently, demititans can be nice, but also very naughty.

"I'm Sarah and this is my twin brother Danny." The girl spoke up, deciding to be the one to answer. I guess, for the 15 minutes it took to find their favorite cafè, the only things that had been going on in my mind is the fear that Sarah and/or Danny would pull some kind of trick, but no.

They were to curious themselves to even have thought to do something like that. Before we passed through the threshold of the cafè, Sarah had, what my name is, I guess she was tired of thinking of me as "the boy" so I answered. "Percy." she nodded and all three of us walked into the cafè.

I told them what happened while drinking french vanilla and eating the best cookies ever. When I finished story time, they stared at me as i drank the last sip of my french vanilla. Finally, Danny spoke up.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2014 ⏰

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