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Nora's P

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Nora's P.O.V

I wake up in a hospital bed. They said that I had taken too much tension and I eventually loose conscious. They have given me medication. I was feeling well so I went straight to my mother. She  didn't respond still now. She was laying on the bed with a stone cold face. I wanted to hug her but I cannot.

After Two days,

"Do you want anything? You didn't have eaten anything" said Jane. I was sitting beside mom the whole day. She didn't respond. It's been two days and she is still suffering. I cannot see her like this. A single drop of tear roll down my cheek. I am not going to leave the person who tried to kill my mother. I punch the bed handles.

"Oh my god Nora, you are gonna hurt yourself" said Jane. I was ignoring her. It's not because she had done something wrong but because I was angry on her, for no reason. I don't trust anyone. I mostly believe it was Arthur. The police couldn't find him after that accident. He was not in his apartment. Where would he go? It has to be him. He did it and I am sure. He cannot run far away. I took my mom's hand and hold it tightly. I told Jane to leave me alone and she did. Lot of things were going inside my mind. I was trying to be positive. I can only remember how I and mom used to cook every saturdays when I was a kid. I mean she was the one who used to cook, I used to disturb her. I tried to irritate her.  I was a brat, now that I think. How did she not slap me? That is funny. I internally laugh. We used to have a karaoke session where mom used to sing awfully. I had to beg her not to sing anymore. She always used to save me from father. Instead she was the one who used to get punished. I cried but some water droplets cannot turn the time back. Nina was crying a lot, she never saw mom in this condition before. I was blank, so I close my eyes.


"Why did you do that? You little freak" dad said. He was very angry. I can smell alcohol. He was not able to walk properly. I think I messed up. I accidentally broke his favourite mug and now he is angry on me. He is going to punish me. He was slowly getting closer to me. I move back. I turn around and was going to run but huge pairs of arm grab me by my hair. I scream in pain. I thought he was going to kill me but then I heard my mom.

"Get away from her Lucas, don't you have any shame? Do not even touch my daughter" said mom. She came just in right time. She was like the angel. My father stood there, he was glaring at my mother. I knew he would not leave her for what she have said.

"You want to save her, fine, then you come with me" said dad, loudly. Dad grab mom's arm and push her inside the storage room. I was crying, I heard screaming and loud hitting noises. I was all alone sitting on a rug and crying. I knew I cannot do anything. I was a helpless girl.

Flashback ends.

I came back to reality because of my phone's ringtone. The police officer was calling me. Maybe they found something. I was kinda scared. I pick it up.

Police: We have found Arthur Russo, Miss can you come to the police station?

Nora: yes I will be there soon.

I took my bag. I kiss mom on the forehead and left. I told Jane not to leave her. She smiled and assured me. I tie my hair and call an Uber. I have not check my phone for a long time. I have not read any messages or anything. When I unlock my phone, I saw lots of messages. Most of them were assuring me and most of them didn't even know about my condition. But then my eyes fell on Elijah's message. Apparently he had also called me several times but I didn't pick it up.

Elijah: hey everything will be fine, don't be afraid. Call me, if you think you need me and I will be there.

That message forced me to curl up my lips into a smile. Somewhere that little massage gave me ton of support. I don't know if it is because I was least expecting Elijah to write that or something else. I replied him with just an 'ok'.

After few minutes I reached the police station. There were lots of police officer. I was kinda nervous. I have never seen so many officers before. I enter the building. An officer approach me and I ask him about the call. They told me to wait. I settle down then I saw that similar officer from yesterday.

"Sir did you interrogate Dr. Arthur? He is the culprit" i said. I was confident which I shouldn't be.

"Mam do you have any proof? Because without any proof we cannot say that he is the culprit and he is denying that he tried to kill your mother" said the officer. I do not have any proof. How can I find any proof? I don't even know where they were going to meet.

"You said that they were going to meet but he is saying a different story" said the officer. What? It means they were not going to meet? Or is he lying? I don't trust him.

"What is he saying?" I asked.

"He said that they were not going to meet that day, in fact Arthur was busy with a surgery and he had a fixed schedule which he showed us" said the officer. How? Mom said that they were going to meet. Mom cannot lie. Why would mom lie about it? I don't get it. Then what happened? I sit down and face palm myself. Suddenly I started to feel sick.

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