hot and sexy in the dining room

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as the day bloomed ninja fortnite awoke from his race car bed.
"Ah, what a beautiful day it is! i can't wait to play fortnite all day and make some little kids kill themselves!"
ninja fortnite heads down his carpeted stairs (which were carpeted so he wouldn't slip on his pee stains.) he peed as he walked and hummed the original fortnite music.
He entered the kitchen and began to make some eggo waffles. he places his 2 plain waffles on a paw patrol dish and ate them frozen.
"man, i wish i was eleven from stranger things, she hates gays which is why i love her!" he said while he shoved the waffles down his gullet.
after ninja had finished his frozen breakfast he grabbed some vinegar and poured himself a cup, he drank it within seconds.
"Now that breakfast is over i can get dressed and go bully some 6 year olds!"
before ninja could head back up his pee stained stairs he heard a knock at the door.
"Ugh who could this be?" he groaned
"excuse me sir would you please open your door?" said a voice ninja couldn't quite recognize.
ninja fortnite hurried to the door and opened it expecting it to be an amazon delivery person, but he was wrong.
outside the door stood the tall, 6'3, handsome donald trump.
"W-What are you doing here donald??" ninja exclaimed loudly.
"you know exactly why i'm here." donald said while he walked into the house and closed the door behind him.
donald was wearing a bright pink thong only, it said "mmm children" on the front.
"i really don't donald! please why are you-"
before ninja could finish his sentence donald kissed him with a passion so strong that it made ninja weak.
"cmon ninja fortnite, put your balls on my chin." donald groaned.
ninja blushed and did as donald said, it took him 30 seconds to remove his 10 pairs of minecraft fortnite underwear.
"i've never done this before, donald." ninja said as he removed his balls and placed them on trumps chin.
"ah yes ninja fortnite, this is so sexy, i am so ready to rape you." donald said as he pushed ninja to the ground.
"WAIT! donald! please use a condom at least! i'm too young to get pregnant!" said ninja.
"ugh fine, idiot." donald pulled out a crusty used condom from his butt cheeks, it had two eyeballs on it and seemed rather scared of what was about to happen.
donald spread ninjas butt cheeks apart and was about to stick his little vending machine (what he calls his dick) inside. as he entered ninjas hole he felt something.
"wtf is in your ass?" donald questioned as he pulled out.
ninja moaned and said "i have 3 parasites donald, sarah, ben, and Penelope."
donald grinned and said "the more the merrier"
donald tried to go back in ninjas butt but he kept missing because his dick is like 1/2 inch.
ninja stood up, grabbed his balls off of donald's face, and ripped the used condom off his pathetic dick.
"i am too sexy for you, donald. my parasites deserve better!" ninja weeped.
ninja was now crying holding used condom while donald watched. instead of comforting the young(?) fortnite player donald default danced and then exited ninjas house.

the end

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2020 ⏰

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