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Harry, Hermione and Ron were all in the library it was chilly outside and Hermione wanted to read like always. Harry and Ron looked beyond bored while Hermione was having the time of her book about house elves. Harry held hermione's hand under the table wanting attention.

"Harry just one last chapter, please! Hermione smiled giving Harry puppy eyes.

Just as Harry was about to answer there was a loud bang outside and everyone bolted to the library window. Harry, Hermione and Ron stared at each other before standing up making their way to the window slowly. As soon as they reached the window the lights went out and a faint voice that everyone could hear.. it was him. he was back.

Harry Potter, i know your strengths and weaknesses. bring mud blood to me and all of this will stop you will be happy..

"what are you waiting for someone grab her!" Pansy screamed getting closer to Hermione.

"Don't you dare touch her pansy, i know this is scary for all of you but together we need to keep Hermione safe not try to make her more vulnerable" Harry said getting angry holding hermione's sweaty hand.

"Exactly! just back off and leave Hermione alone alright.. it's the least you guys could do!" Ron stood on one side of Hermione while Harry stood on the other.

"H-Harry.." Hermione was in tears, she squeezed Harry's hand tightly.

"It's gonna be okay Hermione, we are all here for you.. we won't go down without a fight! Luna said, cheerfully.

and with that the window everyone was standing at broke, injuring students.. the voice grew louder.

Being mud Blood to me and all of you will live a long happy and healthy life.. if not more innocent lives will be taken.

"what an earth is going on in-" Dumbledore entered the library looking at all the broken glass and injured students on the floor, he took one look at Harry, Ron and Hermione.

Harry grabbed Hermione's hand, looking at Ron worried. They ran past crowds of people that were standing outside the library. Harry took Hermione into his room he shared with Ron.

"Harry.. I'm so sorry this is all my fault" tears rolled down Hermione's cheek faster.

"Shh Hermione this is not your fault, i promise i will keep you safe" Harry looked into Hermione's hazelnut eyes and leant in kissing her passionately.

As soon as Harry's lips met hermione's she instantly started felt safe. Her tears started to dry up and she wrapped her arms around Harry's neck deepening the kiss.

"Um guys I'm still here you know?" Ron laughed looking at Hermione and Harry.

Harry and Hermione pulled away and laughed, they all stayed up until sun rise playing games.. doing anything trying to distract them from what happened in the Library early


"tomorrow when Hermione leaves her room to go to her first lesson i will send two of my death eaters to bring her to me" Voldemort laughed waving his hand around.

"but my lord, potter never lets that muggle out of his sight anymore" Lucius explained.

"Ah you are correct Lucius, i shall send two of my death eaters to stalk that mud blood and when the chance is right they'll bring her to me"

"Excellent my lord, I'll send two death eaters to keep an eye on her" Lucius left sending two death eaters to stalk Hermione, she couldn't see them but they were always watching her.

save me: Harry and HermioneWhere stories live. Discover now