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Just like every other day, Chenle and Jisung is walking on the streets holding hands together, with their managers following behind them. Like usual, they are messing around and hitting each other, as the older one punched the younger, Jisung pushed Chenle. As they are enjoying their freedom without the camera budged in front of them, the couple was not aware of their surroundings.

" Jisung ahhhhhhhh!" As the manager yelled, The taller got hit by a truck.

Glass shattered everywhere, fresh blood all over Chenle's angelic face. The mouse is now flooded by his own blood.

"Call the ambulance!!!" Said the big headed, still in shock. Chenle fell on his knees to check on his beloved one, not hearing him breathing, and couldn't find his pulse. He bursted into tears......
"No..... Sungie, please be alive... Please live, there are still so many things we haven't done... I still didn't bring you to the new Disney World in Shanghai... I still didn't tease you for being scared...... I still didn't shown you my wedding plan.
The dolphin collapsed on the younger, not minding the blood all over him. As the ambulance arrive, he stood up; seeing the damaged face of his lover. The staffs quickly pick up Jisung's body and carried him onto the ambulance, Chenle following behind. As they were on the way to the hospital, the doctor kept on doing CPR, but there is still no sign of his heart beat...

"Please don't go... I don't know what to do without you, I won't find someone as perfect as you... I won't be able to love again." As Chenle said, holding the younger's big hands. Looking at his pale and lifeless face, Chenle could only pray for the best. Soon his phone rang, the screen displays the name "Na Jaemin"

"Chenlah! What is going on right now, I've heard that you and Jisung got into a car acciedent; is everything okay there??" Said the bunny.
"Hyung, I don't think Jisung would make it... What can I do without him..." Said Chenle Wailing as his voice gets more and more hoarse...

"Please bring the rest of the members and bring them to Seoul Main Hospital..."

-To Be continued

Hey!! This is the writer! This will be a long and sad story about Chenji, or Chensung if you prefer. Please sit back, grab your tissues, and enjoy everything. I'll try to update daily, but sometimes I might still be occupied with my personal Matters and school. Please stay tuned for the rest of the story.

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