The children in the iceburg

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The girl gritted her teeth as she tightened her grip on Appa's harness. Her brown hair whipped her face despite her efforts to control the wind and the rain. A cat-owl who'd nervously, flapping its wings from the safety of the harness in obvious distress. "Aang, maybe this wasn't such a good..."

She never got to finish her sentence. One second she was in the air, the next she was being submerged in ice cold water.

100 year time skip because what else am I supposed to wright here:

The mysterious girl and boy slowly stood up, both of their eyes and tattoos still glowing. Slowly the glowing faded and they both collapsed.

Sokka smirked down at the girl in his arms. "Hello."

Her eyes shot open revealing a striking sapphire blue. The girl blinked several times as she waited for her eyes to focus. Ignoring his flirtatious attitude, she sat up and took in her surroundings. Two children, both from the water tribe judging from their outfits. Lots of snow.

"Hey, I guess. Am..." she paused to clear her throat. "Are we late? I mean, this is the South Pole, right?"

The boy with a pony tail smiled. "Right-a-mondo. You're water tribe too?"

The girl stood up, brushing off the snow with a wave of her hand. "Yeah, I grew up here. Must have been out a while, because I don't recognize either of you. I'm Lynn by the way."

"Sokka and that's my sister Katara. How were you in the ice?"

Lynn shrugged. "Don't know. I just remember crashing into the ocean." She glanced around. Hey, where'd Aang go?"

"Oh the little yellow guy? Yeah, he went that way."

Following where he had gestured, Lynn pushed off the ground and leapt over the pile of snow and Sokka's jaw dropped before he followed. "Woah woah wait, you can bend air and water? Cool!" He paused as he reached the top. "What's that thing?"

"Flying bison," replied Lynn and Aang in perfect harmony as if it were obvious. Her attention was diverted to the cat-owl that had latched onto her arm. Affectionately, it rubbed its cheek against her fingers as she scratched behind its ears.

Sokka raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, and this is Katara my flying sister."

The bison let out a soft growl and sneezed. Lynn's eyes widened and she waved her hand in front of her, blowing away the green snot.

" you guys live around here?"

Sokka had seemingly snapped out of the 'trance' Lynn had 'put him under.' "Woah wait, how do we know you weren't trying to signal the fire navy with that fancy smancy light show?"

The sinking feeling in Lynn's gut grew. The fire navy was never a problem before. The longer she was awake the more it felt like she had been asleep for an eternity. She tuned out the rest of the conversation as she flew into Appa's saddle.

Lynn didn't sleep that night...she simply couldn't. She knew the second she arrived in the water tribe village...everyone we knew is dead. The water-benders are gone. Instead she stared at the snow ceiling, tracing a finger along the tattoos on her arms.

Naturally, she was the first awake. Something was coming, something big. Her gut had never failed her before and she was positive it wouldn't fail her now.

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