Chapter Eight, The rage of Ironman

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Chapter Eight, The rage of Ironman

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Chapter Eight, The rage of Ironman

"Just let that ponce try!" Tony snarled. "I'll blast him to smithereens before he can even get ahold of his wand!" Tony continued as he paced up and down the living room holding Morgan close to his chest. His rant snapping Riley-Mae out of her shock and fear. At least for the moment.
"Tony! Calm down, right now! I won't have Teddy's first birthday ruined." Riley-Mae said firmly. Tony looked like he was going to argue until he saw his loves pointed look to Teddy who sat frozen staring at all of them, and agreed.
"You're right I'm sorry." Tony sat down and played with his two children effectively taking Teddy's mind off of what just happened.

"Mae!" Draco protested.
"No Draco!" Riley-Mae said firm, as she made her way to the kitchen. "We will not talk about it now. We will talk about it when the kids are asleep." With that she left for the kitchen only to appear a moment later with all the food she had made, luckily she had made extra. With that no one else said anything about the Howler for now, respecting Mae's wishes as they celebrated Teddy's birthday. Taking photos, helping him unwrap his presents (which took longer than they expected as he had to keep stopping to kiss Morgan after every present), laughing when he smushed cake all over himself and Tony, some of it even ending up in their hair.

Other times they were cooing when Teddy would show Morgan his toys but especially his wolf, trying to get her to play with him before kissing her head.
"He is just too precious." Narcissa sighed as she sat drinking a cup of tea that Andy had handed her. "I would have thought being so young he'd be jealous of her. I know Draco would have been if he had a sibling."
"Mother!" Draco complained, throwing his head back groaning.
"Oh don't be so dramatic Draco." Riley-Mae laughed as she fed Morgan, Draco looking determinedly anywhere but at her. "Would you like to hold her?"
"W-What?" Draco asked startled.

"Would you like to hold her?" Riley-Mae repeated as she gently winded Morgan.
"Are you sure?" Draco asked nervously. Riley-Mae smiled softly and nodded standing up with Tony's help after she had adjusted herself. Standing in front of Draco she gently passed him her baby girl, adjusting his arms so he supported her head properly.
"She's beautiful and looks just like you." Draco said looking from Morgan to Riley-Mae then back again comparing the two, noticing the only thing Morgan had of him was her eyes, which were just like his own, the rest was all Mae.
"Thank you Draco." Riley-Mae smiled. "Teddy's been like that since my scan, he was staring at the screen enthralled by the image of her." Mae answered Narcissa smiling softly at her son as he giggled at Tony as they played together.

The rest of Teddy's birthday went off without a hitch, no mention of the howler or him was made. The day was filled with laughter, and talking of light topics, playing with Teddy and cuddling with Morgan or with both of them. As soon as they were down for their nap Tony, Riley-Mae and Andromeda got into action.
"Jarvis lock down this tower now. No one is allowed to enter it unless they have been keyed in to enter. And scan Narcissa and Draco to let them in take in their DNA so not even magic or potions can fool you into let someone in." Tony ordered.
"Of course Sir." Jarvis agreed completing the tasks that Tony had set even doing the same for Andy and Mae so no one can pretend to be them either.

"Andy can you go to the garage in the basement and start putting up wards and protective enchantments, so no one wishing harm on us can enter the building. Draco can you go to the middle of the tower and do the same and Narcissa can you go to the roof and do the same wards and protective enchantments please. I'll do them from here." Riley-Mae asked. The three nodded and left to complete the wards and protective enchantments as none of them wanted any harm to come to Riley and her family.

While everyone was doing that Tony went down to his lab. He was filled with so much rage and fear that he needed to upgrade his suit so he could not only protect his family, but also to work out his anger. After Afghanistan he found that tinkering and inventing was the best way for him to work out his negative emotions, so he didn't take it out on anyone, and he most certainly would not take his anger out on Mae. She's had enough people take their anger out on her and he would not add to that list, he would do whatever it takes to protect her and their children even from emotional pain. He started upgrading the system of the tower starting by scanning all of the team and the employees DNA so no one can pose as them, even going as far as to scan himself.

He would not let that psycho near the woman he loved, not if he could help it. And he most certainly would not let that man use his face to hurt her, it would break him if she became scared of him because of that psycho. Tony worked for hours updating his security system of the tower, fine lining everything to make sure there were no loopholes. By the time he was finished it was late into the night, almost two in the morning, but it was worth it.

The tower now had a security system so extensive that it rivalled that of S.H.I.E.L.D. Now anyone who entered the tower would be scanned right down to their DNA and would be scanned for a wand, as he had Jarvis scan not only Mae's wand but also Andy, Narcissa and Draco's as well. So any wand that did not match theirs, the person would immediately be locked in a vibranium and adamantiun steel cage that was magic proof and sent down to the basement. Where they would be dealt with.

Stretching Tony stood from his stool turning off the screens he had dotted all around the lab. He felt much calmer now that the security system was now upgraded, don't get him wrong he was still angry that his love had been threatened but it was no longer all consuming and he could now think clearly. Locking his lab with his key code he made his way back up to the family floor and into Teddy's room checking on him to see he was perfectly fine and fast asleep. After pulling the blanket back over him and kissing his son's forehead Tony left the room and went into his bedroom. Trying not to wake Mae and Morgan who were fast asleep or Teddy who was right next door, as he changed into his pyjamas and climbed into bed.

Walking over to Morgan he kissed two of his fingers and gently placed them in her forehead so he didn't wake her. As he was wrapping his arms around Mae from behind he almost jumped out of his skin when he heard her sleepy voice.
"Are you alright?" Mae asked sleepily.
"Yeah. I'm sorry I woke you sweetheart." Tony apologised kissing her shoulder. "The security system is now tighter than S.H.I.E.L.Ds, no one not registered can get in."
"Mm 'hats go'd." Mae said sleepily.
"Go to sleep darling. I love you." Tony said kissing her shoulder, a smile appearing on his lips as Mae's soft barely there snores filled the room. Getting comfortable Tony soon joined his family in sleep.

 Getting comfortable Tony soon joined his family in sleep

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