Where(When) am I?

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GuHai and LuoYin ate the dinner -it's hard to say "delicious "- ,took a shower, and finished their homework. They went to the bed along, GuHai kissed cheek of LuoYin. Its like "finally! I've waited this time!"
but, " we gotta sleep" LuoYin said.


GuHai was carefully in his own way. He doesn't want LuoYin to get angry and lose the wonderful days like a vision.
while he's gazing at LuoYin's sleeping face happily, he's getting worried.
( "how long I can hug and sleep with the handsome boy,,,?")

GuHai felt someone kissed his forehead and woke up. To be accurate, his eyes are still shut down, but his brain is completely awake before alarm call.
YinZi is always wake up later than me. and he never kissed me at morning even it's a dream.
("Who the hell kissed me?")
He opens his eyes nervously, and YinZi who should sleep next to him is not here.
GuHai touched cold sheets and realized he is naked.
("Where the hell am I? Oh, shit. Did I cheat unconsciously? Or was I kidnapped when I was sleeping? Where is YinZi? He's with me?")
When GuHai is panicked, suddenly someone came in.
GuHai does know who he is.

"I thought you're sleeping yet. A chauffer pick me up within 30mins."

He is softer than usual, however, the guy is Bai LuoYin who should sleep next to GuHai.
he doesn't look sleepy nor wear blue-white school uniform unlike usual, but he's wearing army uniform that is properly ironed.
GuHai forget to breathe. he's just staring LuoYin's head to toe.

"I knew that suit you..."


"I knew it. Why are you wearing such a uniform? Why in the morning?"

"Are you still half asleep? If you wake up, why don't you eat breakfast with me."

LuoYin said "put on" and threw some clothes to GuHai.
GuHai is fascinated his boyfriend in army uniform, so didn't hear LuoYin's invitation of wonderful breakfast.

"Hey, GuHai. Did you hear that? If you're tired, you'd better to go back to the bed."

LuoYin softly patted shoulder of GuHai who still stares him like stupid.
And just a little bit later, GuHai followed his boyfriend in a hurry and took a seat unfamiliar chair.
GuHai doesn't know what is happening exactly, but reach his hand for pile of buns as LuoYin does.

"Did you buy that?"

"buy what?"

"The buns"

GuHai is stuffing his face with buns and thinking about the store sell such a delicious buns.

"You made it yesterday"

GuHai stopped eating, stared the bun in his hand.
("made what?how? I even don't imagine how to make that?")?

"Hey, GuHai, are you really ok? today is you are day off, so just go back your bed and take a rest"

"Huh? I have a school today"

School? LuoYin tilted his head.
GuHai has been crazy, but he never heard he said something stupid like now.

("Oh he's trying to deceive again? At that time, he reproduced exactly my home I lived in high school, but now, it's not like that.")

"YinZi, why are you wearing that suit? Is this real, isn't it?"

"Of course that's real"

The couple is finally realized something is wrong. They questioned all of they feel weird.

Where am I?
-where? Where you and I live

Why army uniform?
-because I'm colonel! Are you making fun of me?

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