Chapter 1: There is something different about you

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...Morning. Mornings are my worst parts of the day cause unlike any other day the morning spoil my moods.

"Addison, come down for breakfast"

that was my mom she may be loud but she is sweet. She is like 5'4  tall and she loves the smell of cookies. Okay so like am Addison Reece, I have one younger sister. I attend West States High School. Uh....what else am missing um..oh yh am 17 , I have blonde hair with green eyes. And that all.

"Alright mom I'll be down in a sec" I said to her. "Great and make sure to clean up your room after or else you'll be stuck with dish duty for a week"my mom said. WAIT! did she just say a week? , I might as well die while cleaning up cause I took a good look at my room and it looked like Christmas and all the other holidays had barfed inside my room. Literally,  it was that bad.

"C'mon mom Miley doesn't clean her room and you don't give any chores" I whined to my mom and she said "That's because she's six, honey" 'ugh' that is me mentally slapping myself.

I finally cleaned up my hell of a room and trust me it wasn't easy. It took me sometime before realizing this ,TODAY IS MONDAY AND AM NOT IN SCHOOL!!! I grabbed my things and went downstairs but as I was almost at the door my mom stops me "Honey where are you going" my mom asked so casually sometimes I worry about her. I practically yelled "Mom it's Monday like school Monday and am still here" the weirdest thing happens she just smiled at me and said "Addy, sorry I didn't tell you earlier but the school called and said that the school was vandalised and the culprit left insect and all sorts of crawling things in the school so they shut down school for 2 days so they can exterminate" and at the end of that sentence I just did a happy dance in my head, also, if you could just forget about what I said earlier about my mom I will really appreciate it. Thanks.

So after the whole thing I went back to my room but something told me to check up on my little sister trust me  something would always tell you to do so cause you will never know what a six year is doing. "Miley" I knocked on her door no answer but I heard footsteps like running footsteps in the room. I couldn't take it I opened the door and I saw my little sister on her bed pretending to sleep 😴 so I acted as though I was walking away

before noticing

That my make up was in her closet like shoved in there THAT LITTLE !!😠"Miley what are you doing with my make up" she finally decided to wake up from her fake nap and she gives me this eyes and says in her most adorable voice "Sowi Addy I just wanna do a little make up, that's all" I couldn't stay mad at her so I told her it was okay but if I should see my make up with her again I will, you know what never mind.

So I left the room with my make up and dropped it on the table then I lied on my bed and face timed my best friend Gianna. Gianna is a nice girl, she Spanish and she loves ice cream and movies. And for some reason she always cries at the end of every movie rather horror, romance,comedy, sci-fi, animation or fiction and it always seems to crack me up whenever she says 'I don't even know why am crying'

She answered the call "Hey Addy did you hear about the school situation" I said "Yeah wow, I wonder who vandalized the school" after a while of talking with her she gave me a confused look "What?" I asked and she said " There's something different about you today" 'huh' okay that is the weirdest thing I have heard Gianna say and she has said a lot of things that are weird " what do you mean" I couldn't help but ask " I mean whenever we are talking you always look fun and happy but today you look stressed, what is up with that?" 

"Oh yeah well I just finished cleaning my room and it looked like a pig sty and also my mom just told me that school is shut down for two days and I just collected my make up from my sister that pretty much  used it as face paint and I worried about my dad he has gone for a business trip for like four days now and I asked my mom whether she has contacted him and she said yeah that he would be back next week and I just want to see him so badly" "Oh sorry about that how about we forget all our worries and go for some ice cream how about that?" That's why I love Gianna she always has a way of making me cheer up.

"OMG! Cameron how could you do that" I just came to the ice cream shop with my two best friends and right now Cameron just threw a spoon of ice cream on the wall. "What? I told you a spoon will make a pretty good slingshot" is he really serious "Ok but if you get in trouble for your spoon slingshots then I don't know you, got it" I said giving him my driest look "Oh really but what if I get rewarded for inventing the spoon slingshot that will help mankind, you don't know me cause I and Gianna will enjoy the reward without you, got it" he said narrowing his eyes " Ok Ok am in on the spoon slingshot " I said. " Hey guys wanna go to the park" Gianna said with a huge smile

"Sure" Cameron and I said at the same time.

A/n: Hope you like this as much as I do.

Hugs and kisses filled with colours😘😘

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2020 ⏰

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