Shouta Aizawa X Reader NSFW

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Aizawa stood behind you, his hand lightly grasping your hair as he exposed your neck. A gasp slipped past your lips as he slowly kissed down your jaw, making his way towards your collarbone. "Shouta," you mumbled, feeling him rub his delicate fingers across your tight slit. You watched yourself in the mirror, seeing how aroused you were. It was rather uncomfortable at first but your lover soon eased your anxiety as he rubbed himself against your heat. Slowly he pushed his fingers into your cunt, hooking them to press against your sweet spots. He watched you in the mirror, smirking at the expressions you made. "You're so fucking tight," he complimented. Shouta once again kissed your neck, lightly nibbling from time to time. Your mind went hazy as you felt his finger writhe inside you. He was so talented, he knew how to make you squirm and beg. His free hand trailed your body and wrapped firmly around your throat slightly choking you. "Shit-" you whined at the lack of oxygen. It only added to tightening of the knot on your stomach, moans forcing their way from your chest. He removed his fingers from inside your pussy and began lightly dancing them over your clit. You bucked your hips upwards, hoping to get some form of stimulation from the raven haired man but no good came from it. His smirk merely widened at your pathetic moans and groans. "You're so fucking needy," he spat. Removing his hands completely from you. A whine escaped you as he pulled away from your cunt, leaving an empty feeling behind.

"You're beautiful like this," he complimented. He caressed your face with his thumb and pointer finger, cursing as you purred. "Were you close?" He asked, once again pulling away. "Were you close when I stopped rubbing your needy clit?" His dirty words sent shivers down your spine as you nodded. "Yes," you admitted, falling into submission. Your hands trailed down to your heat as you began pleasuring yourself before him, watching intently as he stared at you. He watched for a moment before harshly grasping your wrist. "Naughty, playing with yourself. I suppose I'll have to put you in your place, won't I?" You whimpered, embarrassment welling up inside you as well as arousal. "Sit up and spread your legs," he demanded.

You did as you were told sitting on the edge of the bed, watching him lower himself so he was eye level with your clenching pussy. "You're dripping," he spoke, proudly. His breath tickled you, making your hips buck forward. His hands clasped around your thighs, tightly, keeping you still. "Now now, baby," he said. "No moving 'till I say so. Oh and also-" he began, looking you in the eyes. "You don't come until I say. You got that?" You nodded, eagerly awaiting his next move. His eyes drifted to your cunt, yet again, he dove in, swirling his tongue over your clit, harshly. He grunted as he felt your hand tug at his hair, sending vibrations through your body. His fingers soon joined him in his assault against your lower regions. Pushing in and out repeatedly, reassuring you that he was in control. You felt yourself tighten and relax repeatedly for him. The tension brought you closer and closer to the edge. He removed himself for a moment, his fingers never ceasing their movements. "Watch yourself in the mirror as you come, babe. I want you to see how fucking hot you look." His mouth soon went back to work. His movements increased their speed. Shouta was far too good at this. He knew that you wouldn't last much longer. You watched yourself in the mirror, moaning at the sight before you. Aizawa fit so perfectly between your legs, it was unreal.

"Shouta, I'm close," you groaned. You felt yourself pant as your legs trembled. The feeling of your fast approaching climax was growing overwhelming. "You can come when I get to zero, got that?"
"What?" Aizawa cut you off, fingers hitting your spot repeatedly.
"Ten..." he began. You were so close.
"Nine..." even closer.
"Eight..." you begged him to let you unravel.
"Seven..." not even halfway.
"Six..." almost there, shit.
"Five..." you fought to cease your release.
A minute or so passed, constantly leaving you on the edge.
"Three..." Fuck.
Another minute as your moans grew louder. Begging him to let you come, fighting with all your power to not finish on his fingers or tongue.
"Two..." he lightly blew on your clit. He rammed as fast he could, so close to spilling you.
"One." You came with a screech, trembling, grasping his hair. "Fuck!" You called. Your body continued rocking as you rode out your orgasm. Shouta smirked at your trembling form, leaning up to kiss you. You could taste yourself in his mouth, your wetness lubing his lips and tongue. "Holy shit," you muttered into the kiss.
"We're not done yet, baby."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2020 ⏰

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