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A/N: *Please read this*Hi everyone! I would like to know if ya'll think I should continue the story from what you see. I don't write books very often and  Just thought of this. Just know that there will be a lot of explaining the Oc's background just in case I do continue from what you read on here. I beg of you, Please tell me your opinion on the book and whether I should continue or not. Also for a little context, Her name is Raven, she has brown hair(important if I continue), And she has a copy quirk that she calls "Data base"(forgot to mention in the chapter) because of the way it works. She can do the touch to copy but she usually just needs to learn about a quirk(how it works, what it looks like, Etc.) and she can use it with no physical damage. The only issue with it is that if she copies too many quirks in a short amount of time, her quirk stalls like a computer would if you left too many tabs open(hence the name). Now onto the book.

I grabbed my bag as I opened the front door, "By Mom!!! I'm going to school now!" I called out, eating a piece of toast. My tail and ears perked up a little to show that I don't bow to dominant wolves. The doctors never told us what my second gender was but we could all tell that I was no omega.

 "Ok, bye Raven! Have fun at UA! Tell Izuku I said hi!!!" She said, her manifestation quirk pushing me out. I sighed, wishing I still lived with my dad. I had lived with him(without my mom) since I was 5 and I took after him with everything... well, everything but the large chest that I got from my mom. But I look like him, act like him, and best of all, I got a similar quirk to his. We both have copy quirks, but mine is kinda better than his. While yes, I can do the tap copy, all I really have to do is know how a quirk works and what it looks like and I can copy it.

 About half way to UA, I saw my(pretty much) twin cousin. "IZU!!!!" I called out to him, making him jump. He turned to look at me and I waved. "How's my little cousin?" I teased him.

 "Being 2 minutes younger than you doesn't make me your little cousin!" He protested. I smiled at him with a small chuckle causing him to smile back, his ears perking up a little. I took a moment to look around, wondering if my class will accept me joining them at around 4 and a  half weeks after the start of school. (and after a few attacks on them from the League of Villains)

 "I still don't know why we never came here to visit you like you did us." I said as we got to the school gates. I looked at him and ran into someone, knocking us both over. I was still a little stunned, processing the fact that I didn't sense anyone in my way, when I heard a low male growl from under me.

 "GET OFF!!!" a spikey haired male growled out, his command carrying enough dominance to show that he was an alpha. I smirked and sat on his stomach before hearing some small explosions. Soon after, sharp pain shot through my tail, causing me to yelp in pain and jump up. I growled at him as he got up and he started to growl back. I could tell by now that, though he was a first year like me and Izu, he was the alpha of the school.

 "K-kacchan! C-calm down!" Izu stuttered, his ears and tail low and my eyes went wide as I recognized the nickname from stories Izu told me and the journals he made for me about everyone's quirks that he could find. Spikey boy turned to him.

 "SHUT UP DEKU, YOU SHITY NERD!!!" He yelled, punching Izu in the face and he winced, whimpering. I was shaking with rage and I thought of Izus quirk, One for All. I smirked before activating it at a simple 15% power. He slid 30... no wait... actually closer to 35 feet away, but was still standing.

 I was seeing red. "LEAVE IZU ALONE YOU ASSHOLE!!! NO ONE GETS TO TOUCH MY COUSIN!!!" I roared, making everyone stop and watch. I knew he would take this as a challenge for his alpha position, even if I was just protecting my weak little runt cousin. I knew how he fought and planned on doing mainly defense. He went in for a right hook and missed by around the length of my legs. (Here is a little known secret about me, I trained with Izus dad as a kid. Only Izu and I knew about the fact that his dad actually trained villains on how to fight. I took to his teachings pretty well and eventually became acquainted with many villains, though my closest friend was Dabi.)

 I dodged plenty of attacks and made a few strikes, keeping myself pretty calm... Well I did until he burned part of my handmade, carved leather bracelet. Izu, who was trying to get me to stop, went silent with terror as I inspected it, my aura turning dark. Dangerous. Katsuki and two of his friends who came to watch(Kiri and Denki) noticed the look on his face and Kiri went over to find out what was wrong. Izu looked at them with a serious, yet panicked look.

 "We need to evacuate the area of everyone but Kacchan. Now." People who were near them began telling everyone else to evacuate. Kirishima got a confused look and began to ask why when I began to laugh. I had a secret second quirk that I had used only once before, therefore, I could not control it.

 Everyone but Izu, Kiri, Denki, and Katsuki had evacuated like Izu said to as my hair, ears, and tail turned pitch black and my eyes turned scarlet red. They registered what was happening with me with alarm and all eyes went to Izu. "That bracelet was the last thing she ever got from her big brother before he-"

 Katsuki cut him off and said mockingly "Oh boo-hoo. What did her brother give up on her? Stop caring about her? Ooh! Maybe he ran away because he-"

 "-was murdered by his best friend." Izuku finished dryly and Katsuki paled.

 "Oh fuck..."

A/N: So That is the preview. Hope you guys like it. I would love to know what you guys think. If I continue, Something special will happen. So... yea. See ya later.

(Word count:1127)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2023 ⏰

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