Chapter 1

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"Hi Gregg!"Selena yelled at me.
I stopped talking to my friend David and walked over to her.
"Hey,what are you doing here?"I asked.
"Oh,I broke up with Justin,and I was depressed and Lauryn said to come with her to the bond fire,"Selena said tucking a strand of her beautiful,brown locks out of her face.
"Oh,I'm so sorry to hear that,"I said.
No I'm not.
"Its okay,he was a total buzz-kill anyway,"She said.
"Are you just trying to say buzz-kill to prevent yourself from saying jackass?"I asked.
She looked up at me.
"Yea,that's it,"She laughed.
I smiled at how beautiful she was.
"So,what do you have to drink here,cause I'm thirsty,"She said looking around.
"Since its a bond fire,mostly beer,"I said.
"Oh,I can't drink that. I'll go crazy,"She said walking closer to me.
"Well,I can but,I really don't want to,"I said.
She nodded,shivering in the process.
"Cold?"I asked.
"Yea,"She said.
I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and pulled her into me.
"You're warm,"She said.
I smiled.
"I know,that's why I hugged you,"I said.
She hugged me back.
Then that's when the yelling started.
Selena stopped hugging me.
"What's going on?"She asked me.
"I don't know,"I replied.
Our lips were 3 inches apart.
I grabbed her waist and walked closer,resting my forehead on top of hers.
She wrapped her arms around my neck.
We both leaned in slowly.
Our lips touched,hers so soft and cold,but mines warm and welcomed.
I pulled away.
"Gregg,what was that for?"She asked.
"I want you to be my girlfriend Selena,"I said.
"I-I-I-"She stuttered.
"Selena,baby I'll treat you right.I'll make you feel like the only woman in the world.No matter what I'm doing, I will always be one phone call away...please?"I pleaded.
She looked at me.
Her eyes were trying so hard to say no,but slowly they were saying yes.
"Gregg..."She started.
I grabbed her hand and kissed it.
"I think you're a really great guy,but..I'm just thinking that every guy that asks me out..will do the same thing that Justin did to me,"She said.
"Please?"I asked.
She sighed.
"Okay,"She said.
"Really?"I asked.
She nodded smiling at my enthusiasm.
I kissed her so hard that she was stumbling back.
She pulled away gasping for air.
"Sorry,I was just happy,"I said wrapping my arm around her waist.
"It's okay,"She said.
In the distance,Cat Daddy was playing.
"Selena!"Lauryn yelled.
Selena sighed,grabbed my hand,and walked to Lauryn.
"Yo song on,"Lauryn said over the music.
Selena smiled and walked to the floor with the other girls.
When the break-down came on,all the people were cheering.
I turned to Selena doing the cat daddy.
She looked so sexy when she did the wheelchair.
Her hips and stomach was moving up and down.
I looked at her hips,mesmerized by them.
She stopped when the third verse was on.
"You were great and-"
"Stop...just say hot,"She said.
She giggled at me.
"Gregg!"David yelled on the dance-floor.
I walked to the floor.
I did the cat daddy when the breakdown came on.
I saw Selena fan herself and laugh with Lauryn.
When I was done,I walked to Selena.
"That was so hot,"She said.
I grabbed her waist and put my cold hands on her bare stomach.
She smiled.
"Thank you babe..your's was too,"I said.
She smirked and we both kissed.
"Selena!"I heard someone yell harshly.
"Justin?"Selena asked.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?"Lauryn screamed at him.
"Yea,what are you doing here?!" Annie said throwing her hot dog weiner at his face.
"I'm here because I love Selena,"Justin said walking closer to Selena & I.
"No you don't,"I said.
Justin looked at me.
He looked pissed and jealous at the same time.
Selena snuggled up closer to my chest as she hugged me.
I wrapped my arms around her in concern.
"Come on Selly...lets go home,"Justin said grabbing her arm.
"I'm not your girl anymore Justin..."She said snatching her arm away.
"Says who?" He asked
"Says me. I'm Gregg's girl now,"Selena said kissing my cheek.
I blushed in the process of that kiss.
"So...," He said walking up to me, "You're the one that called my girlfriend up and asked her to come over to your house,"He stated.
"Yes,because she needed a break from you. And, first of all, your girlfriend needed someone to talk to so she called me,"I said.
Selena grabbed my arm and smiled at me.
"So what did you guys do?Talk,made-out,or had sex?"Justin said.
Everyone started to crowd around us.
"All we did was talk Justin," She scoffed, "Gosh, sometimes you can be such a dick,"Selena said.
I looked at her in amazement.
I never thought a beautiful girl like her would say that in so much anger.
"Looks like me and your "boyfriend" here need to take this to the ring,"Justin said getting in my face.
"Look man.I don't want to fight you.Lets just settle this-"
I was interrupted by someone screaming.
I was on the ground,bleeding,coughing up blood.
"Come on man! Get up!"Justin yelled.
I tried to, but let's just say I didn't work-out today.
Justin kicked me in the gut,knocking the wind out of me.
"JUSTIN STOP!"I heard Selena yell.
"Fight!Fight!Fight"The crowd kept chanting.
I attempted to stand up,only I was moving very slow.
It was too late anyway.
He kicked my chin, sending me flying backwards.
He got on top of me and started to punch me.
My arms were trying to block his punches,but it ended up failing.
"Justin,get off of him!"Selena said pulling him off of me.
She held my head up as I slowly sat up on my arms.
"What the fuck is wrong with you Justin?!"She screamed.
"Fuck him, Selena. Just leave him a-a-alone,"I choked out.
She put my left arm over her shoulder and helped me stand up.
"I thought you were different Justin,"She said shaking her head as she left with me.
She dragged me to her car and put me in the passenger seat.
She got in, turned the car on, and drove off.
"Where are we going?"I asked feeling a little better.
"My house,"She said,never taking her eyes off the road.
"Are your parents home?"I asked.
"No,they won't be back until next month,"She said pulling into her parents driveway.
"Why?"I asked.
"Anniversary,"She replied.
"Oh,okay,"I said.
She got out of the car and helped me upstairs to her room.
I laid down and looked around her room.
It was soothing,yet very relaxing.
The walls were painted navy blue and the room smelled like.....her.
Selena came back with the ice.
"Here you go,"She said setting it on the bed.
I was about put it on my stomach,but Selena stopped me.
"Take off your shirt,"She said helping me.
I took off my shirt and put the ice on it.
"Do you want pain reliever?"She asked.
"Yes,please,"I said.
She went downstairs to get them and brought me a glass of water.
"Thank you,"I said taking the pills.
She sat down and smiled at me.
When I was done, I laid down and looked at the ceiling.
Selena looked at me and moved closer to me.
I continued to look at the ceiling.
She started to move her hand up and down my chest.
"What?"I asked.
"Nothing, you really like me?"Selena asked.
"Of course I do...I love you,"I replied.
"I just wanted to ask you...what if we had a baby together?"Selena asked.
I stared at her, confusion running in my mind.
"Then I would help you take care of it,"I said kissing her head.
She snuggled up closer to me.
"Really?"She asked.
"Yes,"I said.
"Gregg?"She asked.
"Mhmm?"I asked.
"I'm pregnant..."She said looking at me.
My eyes went wide.
"With your child,"She finished.
Is she playing with me?
She can't be.
"How?"I asked.
"Remember,talking wasn't the only thing we did 2 days ago,"She said.
I re-lived the moment.
"Oh..right,"I said, smiling at the memory.
"I'm sorry.You must think I'm a whore.I'm so stupid,"She said looking at her hands.
"Hey,you're not a're beautiful.And I don't blame you for having our child,"I said.
She took a breath.
"I'm scared,"She said.
"Don't be,"I whispered looking into her eyes.
She looked at me.
"Thank you,"She said.
"You're welcome,"I said rolling on top of her.
"Gregg..we can't,"She said trying to push me off of her.
"We're not,"I said kissing her.
She moaned and kissed me back.
I put my hands on the side of her shoulders as she wrapped her arms around my neck.
We made-out to a point where I started to kiss her neck.
"Gregg,"She moaned.
"What?"I asked giving her a love bite.
"Stop...please?"She moaned again.
I granted her wish and laid down beside her.
"I still can't believe that you're pregnant,"I said as she cuddled up with me.
"Well,its your fault,"She said.
"Yea it is,"I said wrapping my arm around her waist.
We laid in silence.
"Selena?"I asked.
I heard faint breathing in the room.
I smiled and kissed her head.
"Goodnight baby,"I whispered before falling asleep myself.
                 -The Next Day-
I awoke and saw that Selena wasn't beside me.
"Babe?"I asked.
I got out of bed and went downstairs.
"Baby?"I asked.
"Over here,"Selena said.
I walked to her and hugged her from behind.
"Greggy,"She whined.
I kissed her ear.
"Morning baby,"I whispered.
"Morning,"She said.
"What's for breakfast?"I asked sniffing madly.
"Bacon, eggs with salsa, toast, butter grits, and "O.J" as Lauryn likes to call it," She said setting everything down on the table.
I laughed and sat down with her and started to eat.
We talked and laughed while we ate.
It was very relaxing.
"Well,thank you babe,that was very delicious," I said standing up.
"You're welcome," She said putting the dishes up.
I went sit on the couch and turned on the tv.
Selena also came and laid down with her head in my lap.
I ran my fingers through her long brown locks.
She turned to me,to were her back was on my lap.
"What?"She asked.
"Nothing,"I said.
She giggled softly.
"What do you want to do?"I asked.
"I don't know,"She said.
"Lets talk about the baby,"I suggested.
"Okay.Well,I have to tell my parents,"She said.
"Me also,"I said.
"And,we have to find a way to get me to the hospital without being spotted,"She said.
"Okay,"I said.
"And,try to keep the secret until my stomach starts growing,"She said.
"Well,you can tell the world now but,if you want to wait then that's okay,"I said.
She sat up and laid her head on my left shoulder.
"I love you Greggy,"She whispered in my ear.
I smiled and kissed her.
"I love you too,"I said.
She smiled and we started to watch TV.
We were watching Harry Potter until I heard faint breathing.
I turned to my left and saw Selena sleeping peacefully.
I carried her bridal style into her room and laid her down.
I wrapped her up in the blankets and kissed her forehead.
"Goodbye beautiful,"I whispered.
I went downstairs and grabbed my phone.
2 missed calls from my mum.
I walked to the door and closed it gently.
But before I left,I took a picture of her house.
So that way,I can come here to see my precious girlfriend again.

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