Character OC

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Name: Judai Seiruzu

Age: 17

Eye Color: Same as Pyrrha's

Height: 6'1

Super Speed
Mirror Damage
Revival (used on the person he loves)

The revival semblance will be called: Divine Sacrifice

Semblance Combinations:

Super Speed + Teleportation = Smoke
Super Speed + Teleportation + Fire = Netherworld Fire
Teleportation + Polarity = Matter Manipulation
Fire + Ice = Freezer Burn
Polarity + Fire = Magma


Heaven's Crown
Description: One-Handed Sword. Heaven's Crown allows the user (if worthy) to heal from any wounds or poisons/diseases in a matter of seconds. Can also morph into an automatic pistol (think KAP-40 from Black Ops II) or sniper rifle. Light blade despite being long, allowing the user to have versatility and use it defensively. Whatever attacks this sword blocks, the user can absorb the power of that attack and use it against the attacker. If you unlock the second form of this sword, it will turn into a great sword and grant you a secondary semblance based on your soul.

Hell's Bane
Description: Double-Edged sword (both metaphorically and literally). Can only be used by a worthy person. While using this weapon, the person that is wielding it will gain the skills of whoever wielded the weapon before them and the skills of the people this particular weapon has slain. Also draws off of the person's emotions to give them power. If the person experiences terrible emotional distress, then they will possibly go on a killing frenzy until every life form in the immediate area is dead-possibly even the wielder themselves...


Full Body Armor (doesn't cover arms and shoulders)

Black Combat Boots

Black Cape

Full Red Gloves

Red Wristbands

Golden Headband

Background: Judai has a strange fighting style, having learned how to fight from not only training himself intensively, but practicing different fighting styles from some rather...strange sources. Having mastered these fighting styles, he is able to turn himself into a wisp of smoke, along with using fire and ice to his advantage in battle.

Judai also has some ocular abilities along with his prime aura abilities. He has access to a different energy called Sourenajī, a spiritual energy that is stronger than aura. He is the only one that can currently use it.

Orange Eyes: These eyes activate in response to Judai's emotions, depending on it being one of 3 types of anger: straight-up anger, rage, or absolutely livid. If angry, his eyes turn orange and allow him to strike fear into his opponents, also strengthening his overall physical power upon using them. After each use of these eyes, the power boost that he gets every time he activated them stays. If he masters this level of his eyes, he can reduce any physical exhaustion he is feeling to a minimum, allowing him to stay up for possibly 3 days without sleep if he truly masters the first level.

      If Judai is feeling rage, his eyes turn blood red, paralyzing his opponents for 5 seconds and allowing him to increase his Sourenajī reserves every single time he uses it. Using this level of his eyes too much could cause an overload and damage Judai's Sourenajī tunnels. If he masters this level, then the potential overload is taken away and his Sourenajī levels double after every use of these eyes. An automatic cool down of two days is applied however, to avoid blindness from overuse of these eyes.

     If he is feeling absolutely livid, Judai's eyes turn pure gold with red pupils and silver irises, allowing him to increase his vitality, strengthening his spirit and increasing the power of any Sourenajī abilities he uses. Upon mastering this level of the orange eyes, he will be able to all of the abilities of all 3 eyes without drawbacks. Before mastering this however, if Judai uses level 3 more than twice a day, blindness could possibly occur due to an overload of Sourenajī flowing through his eyes.

Yellow Eyes with Green Pupils: Judai is able to see things in slow motion, allowing him to read 5 seconds into the future what attacks his opponents will potentially throw at him. Upon mastering these eyes, he will learn how to lengthen how much farther he could read his opponents moves, potentially even knowing how to read a few minutes into the future if he truly masters his eyes.

Golden Eyes with a Green Pupil in Left Eye and Red Pupil in Right Eye and Cerulean Irises: Judai is allowed an insurmountable amount of control over his ability to use polarity. Along with that, he is able to craft unbreakable weapons out of atoms from the ground and air with willpower alone. Upon mastering the abilities of these eyes, he can form a weapon out of any of his three Sourenajī elements and use it to attack any enemies.

RWBY COTE Crossover One-Shot: Strawberry Sunrise (Judai x Honami)Where stories live. Discover now