Enchant Object
Creates an enchanted object which can be used as a magical item, or improve it's usability.
If the item you want to enchant can be destroyed if it gets wet, use the Create Magical Charm spell instead. In place of a wand you can use any sort of stick or want like item.
Put the water into the bowl. Beside the bowl place the cloth and place your item on the cloth beside the bowl.
Dip your wand into the water and while stirring the water say the following spell:
Mix this water with air and wave,
Make this bowl become its slave.
Enchant the item which wet does get,
From this bowl and its contents.
Then place the wand beside your item on the cloth and pick up your item and dip it into the water. When you did the item into the water say the following:
Enchant this thing that I do bless,
And make its task the very best.
Spell to Protect an Object
Trace a pentagram over the object that you wish to protect while saying:
With this pentagram
Protection I lay
To guard this object
Both night and day
And for him who should no touch
May his body shiver and quake
I now invoke the law of three
This is my will, so mote it be!
Protection Incantation
Submitted by Heather Franks
"a useful little protection incantation that seems to help those I cast it for..." (Heather Franks)
Wrap thee in cotton, and bind thee with love
Protection from pain surround like a glove;
May the brightest of blessings surround thee this night
For thou art cared for; Healing thoughts sent in flight
Protection Chant
If you are feeling uneasy, nervous or threatened, try repeating this chant quietly to yourself.
Divine Goddess, Goddess Divine,
Divine God, God Divine,
If evil dwells within this place,
Please make it leave my space.
Blue Pentacle Visualization
The "Go Away!" Spell
For Getting Rid of Annoying or Abusive People
This is a nice little spell to get rid of people who are bothering you or are in your face.
When the person comes near you just visualize a blazing blue pentacle on his/her forehead. Next, (mentally) say these words:
"I banish you in the name of the positive powers of the universe!"
This little spell works very well, and it harms no one. It just keeps them away from you. It even works on intoxicated people and people on drugs, as well as people who have bad intentions towards you.