Chapter 1

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Adora's POV: 

*Beep beep* 

I groaned hearing my alarm clock blaring into my left ear as I yanked my pillow to cover my ears from hearing the ugly sound. I laid there for a good 5 minutes until I finally decided to make an effort to get up. 

I eventually sat up from my bed and grabbed my phone to see a couple of texts from Bow and Glimmer. They were both my closest friends from middle school, they showed me around the school since I didn't go to the middle school everyone else went too. I guess they called it the "Gifted" middle school. It wasn't anything special, we just learned about more advanced technological stuff, yada yada, whatever. 

I opened the texts from our group chat and it read,

"First day of high school guys! I can't wait!" that one was from bow.

"Yea! Can't wait, I still can't believe we're going already, middle school seemed like yesterday" Glimmer had replied back too. 

The texting they went on was about highschool, and what we're wearing and how we're going to get there. I decided to take my bike since I don't live with anyone. I actually don't quite know who I was raised by, or who my parents were. I just know it was a woman who went by the name "Shadow weaver". I haven't seen her since the beginning of middle school, I hardly even remember what she even looks like.

I sighed and texted back to them.

"Hey guys"

"OH EM GOSH! It's the infamous ADORAAAA. How's it hangin'? Ready for hiiiighschool!?" I rolled my eyes at Bow's texts all in one bunch together.

"Excited. Nervous. Scared. Peachy. Hungry"



They both replied in unison, it was kinda scary, to say the least. 

"Yes..Peachy" I texted back

I wasn't getting an answer so I guess they got confused and decided to end the conversation there. I threw my phone onto the table and entered my bathroom to which I brushed my teeth and washed my face. My hair was a complete mess, so I grabbed my brush and brushed my blonde locks. I used to wear my hair up in this specific way, but I decided to just keep it down this year and see how people think about it. I threw on a hoodie and jeans, I don't mind about my appearance this year. I just want to be comfy.

I finished up in the bathroom and walked out to see my backpack lying there dying. I can totally relate, I grabbed it and pulled it over my shoulders, both straps locking onto them. Quickly snatching my shoes and putting them on, I was about to leave my house then.

'Fuck' I thought to myself as I forgot my phone on the table. I jogged back inside and was about to grab my phone on the table. I was midway grabbing it when my eyes laid on a photo of me and my old childhood friend Catra. She was my everything, my other half, my best friend...

'Come on Adora! You're so slow!' Catra yelled as she was already on the top of a small green hill. She was always the fast one, no matter what you do. You can never beat her speed.

I huffed and slowly made my way up the hill, I was about to make it up the hill when I felt myself slip. A chill went through my body as I knew what was about to come, but the impact never occurred. I felt an arm wrapped around my waist holding it tightly. 

I slowly opened my eyes to see a beautiful girl in front of me, yellow and blue eyes. The brown locks that she refused to brush so they always stuck up everywhere. I saw a smirk play on her mouth as she pulled me towards her to which she engulfed me into a hug. 

'You are so clumsy Adora..' She whispered as the embrace she had me in was warm, I felt the need to never let go from her.

'That's just me' I playfully pushed her back and tackled her to the ground, now straddling her I gave her a playful smirk right before we had a wrestling war with our hands. It only lasted for a couple of minutes.

I was still lying upon Catra when I decided to turn my head to look at the sky when I saw a perfect sunset with a shade of red and orange combined.

I got up and held my hand out to Catra, she accepted it and pulled her self up.

"Wow..." We said in unison as we watched the sunset, our hands still intertwined. I looked over at her and smiled. She returned the smile, but it slowly faded as she looked down sadly.

"What's up?" I asked worriedly.

She sighed, then started to speak, "W-Were going to separate you know? We are going to different middle schools. You're going to be sent to some cool school, and I'm just going to some stupid basic school..I don't want to be away from you".

I knew this conversation had to be brought up eventually, I lifted her chin so that her eyes met mine. 

"Hey, it's okay. We can still keep in touch you know? It's not like we're saying goodbye forever" I said trying to cheer her up.

I heard a sniffle, so I embraced her and whispered, "Nothing really bad is going to happen as long as we have each other"

I felt Catra break the embrace as her eyes met mine in a serious manner, she held my shoulders tightly.

"You promise?"

"I promise" 

I felt a tear go down my cheek while looking at the photo of us when we were kids. The last time I ever saw her was when we were at that hill looking at the sunset. I still feel guilt from that day, I never fulfilled her promise, since something bad did happen. I never had the time to talk to her, and even neglected her sometimes cause I was too caught up in my studies. I've been meaning to call or text her but at this point, it seems pointless. She has probably moved on from me. 

I felt my phone vibrate on the table, I set down the picture to check it.


I scrambled and grabbed my phone, sending a quick text saying I'm coming. I got so sidetracked with the photo, I forgot the first day of high school was today. I looked back at the photo of Catra and me, then shook my head running out of the house. 

I got on my bike and sped down to school.

'She probably doesn't even think about me anymore....'


A/N: The first chapter is done! I will write the second chapter right after this one just in case if you guys enjoyed it. Tell me if you think I should continue it, this is one of my first FF. So, I hope I did my best! :D 

Thanks for reading! 

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