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Stories are amazing. You can feel transported to another world. Only, my story will make you want to go back to reality. Back to your world. Not mine. My story is a tale of the Hunger Games. Only, this time, you'll want to stay for a while, maybe even live here. This is the story of me and Peeta. OUR story. Not the one everyone knows, but our new reality. Our lives after the story everyone knows us for. The story of after the Hunger Games.

"Thanks, Peeta. These would die without you." We plant the primroses that Peeta brought me. For helping me take care of them, I will hunt for him. After all, you can't just live on bread. "I'm gonna go see what I can hunt for dinner." "You know were to find me." He says with a small smile. Once in the woods, I grab my bow and arrows. The woodworker promised me he would have me some more metal tipped arrows by Thursday. Today is my lucky day. I manage to shot a rabbit. I fish for some nice salmon. Tomorrow, I'll have bread and fish for dinner. "Nice catch." Peeta tells me when I get home. I caught a lot today. I shot down a squirrel on my way back. "Which do you want, the squirrel or the rabbit?" "I'll take the squirrel." I hand him the squirrel before he leaves. "Thanks." he says before walking away. 

Peetas POV

As I walk home, I can't help but wish Katniss loved me for real. We would make a great team. I look back to see shes walking to Haymitch's house. She has a bottle in her hand. Probably a bottle of whiskey for him. She and Ripper are real close these days. She can easily get him free whiskey. I run back when I here a bottle smash and ruffled screams. I find Haymitch trying to smash the bottle on Katniss's head. She's running away. I grab her and tell her to get under the table. "THAT GIRL TRICKED ME!! OH YOU THINK YOU CAN PUT WATER IN A WHISKEY BOTTLE AND GET AWAY WITH IT!?!?!?" "Haymitch, please stop-" "SHUT UP BOY!!" I slap him in the face as he tries to cut me with the glass from the bottle. Katniss bursts through the door. She must have gotten out while me and Haymitch were fighting. "I'll shot you if you so much lay a finger on me or Peeta." She says. It's then when I realize that she has her bow on her, fired to shoot. As the arrow goes flying, it barely pins his clothes to the wall. "I swear, don't you mess with the Mockingjay." Haymitch screams. Effie comes running. "What in the name of god is going on?!?!?" "Haymitch tried killing Katniss. All for putting water in a whiskey bottle. Come on, Katniss. Let's go." I lead her out the door. I can hear Haymitch and Effie talking. "I'm glad I made it in time." I say to Katniss. I wrap my arm around her and lead her home.

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