An Introduction

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" -Sigh- Yet another day of nothing."

Palmer laid on his bed staring into the ceiling. He graduated a few days ago but it certainly doesn't feel like it. Quarantining for 3 months now was very draining in its own way. Days seemed to pass by quickly. It felt like he was slowly going insane from seeing the same people every day to not really being able to go outside. Yes, he did love his family but at the same time, one can't help but begin to dislike them after spending so much time with them. He checked his phone to see that it was 11:30 at night.

"A bit early to go to bed but I've run out of shows to watch. Might as well start to fix my sleep schedule before college rolls around."

Palmer then got up to change into a Led Zepplin T-shirt and a red plaid pair of pajamas before turning to his bed and turning off the lights in the room and went to bed. He wouldn't realize that it would be a long, long time before he would wake up again.


Professor Ozpin had begun to realize that he was getting into a bit of a routine after the many years he spent as the Headmaster of Beacon.

Early in the morning, he would wake up and pour himself a cup of coffee and take the elevator up to his office and skim over the paperwork left on his desk that either required his signature or needed a team of students to investigate.

Afterward, he'd take the elevator down to the basement level to see his two residents. The Fall Maiden and 'Test Subject #33' as written on the side of the cryogenic tube or the young man wearing pajamas. Either way, the situation the two of them were in is equally unusual.

Amber, the Fall Maiden, was almost killed by a mysterious group of individuals. While Ozpin didn't have the proof to back it up, he was almost certain that this group had something to do with Salem. After all, anything evil eventually traces their way back to her.

The Maiden floated in the chamber unconscious. The deep gash that went from her shoulder to her hip deeply concerned the Headmaster. If she died from this injury, her Maiden powers would transfer over to the one who killed her and if Salem gets her hands on a Maiden's powers... well the little game of chess played between her and him would become more dangerous.

Turning to his right Ozpin once again found himself staring into the anomaly before him, here was a teenage boy seemingly frozen in place inside the chamber. Right below the glass of the container showed a countdown.

"Only 1 month to go before the pod supposedly opens and I finally find out just who on Remnant this individual is."

Ozpin stared into the glass gazing at the boy with his brown hair and closed eyes. The weird clothing he had along with the symbols on the shirt made no sense to the man. They looked nothing like any of the commonly used languages on the planet, the only thing he could find that used the same sort of symbols as on the shirt was a language that had long since died off before the Great War. Thus, it would be very hard if at all possible for him to successfully translate the words. Below the symbols showed an angelic man holding his hands up high as if to praise the sun or some sort of god. Perhaps this man was religious? If so, what religion? But this question along with many others would have to wait until he actually woke up that is.

How exactly he found this life-pod thingy was a stroke of luck. In one of his many past lives, Ozpin had discovered it while traveling through Mistral. It was a simple search and destroy mission detailing that a large pack of Beowolves had set up camp in this cave and the local government had sent out a request that a Hunstman would come in and clear it out. 

Upon, clearing out the pack he was met with a pleasant surprise: A mysterious container with claw marks on the side showing that the Grimm tried and failed to get into whatever was inside of it. Getting a closer look, Ozpin could see it was a young man. Short brown hair with a T-shirt and pajamas on. Touching the glass gave off a sharp cold sensation causing him to take his hand off of it almost immediately. 

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