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There he goes again, Mark thought dismally, sitting up on his shabby single bed as the boy who slept across from him stirred in his sleep. The creaking of the mattress was now a sort of signal to him that the other was about to 'move'.

Choi Academy was an elite school full of spoiled brats with too much money. One feature of this school, was the fact that it was an all boys education centre, and another being their large dormitories.

Each room held up to eight students, and the facilities were all old fashioned since the establishment was knocking on two hundred years old. It was like a ridiculously large mansion tucked far away in the countryside......too far for anyone to run away, really. Thankfully, the classes were worthwhile and the life lessons each boy learned from eleven years and older were important.

As Mark pulled his legs closer to his chest, he cringed as the boy he knew as Lee Donghyuck sat up as well, eyes practically closed since he was technically asleep. The eery form of the drowsy teen sent all sorts of tingly fearful feelings to race up and down his spine.

As much as the raven haired male envied the younger for being able to sleep in the first place, he felt his insomnia amounted to nothing when places beside Donghyuck's somnambulism. His issue was completely shadowed.

Basically, the brunette had this crazy sleeping problem where he would walk, talk, and randomly act out strange things like pouring a glass of water, or preparing for a shower. The worst of it though, was something Mark wasn't really able to cope with......the sexual activity.

Since the insomniac was the only one awake each night to protect Donghyuck, he took it upon himself to watch over him and save the younger from any possible danger.

Of course, Donghyuck didn't know a thing. When he woke up, he had absolutely no recollections of ever wandering around or breaking rules. Mark was too spineless to bring it up, so he suffered in silence. Night after night, he'd sit in the darkness shrouded around the room, listening to the seven other boys' light breathing, and awaiting the horrors that would occur.

The younger crawled out of bed, body limp and moving with no purpose. It wasn't as though this happened every night, but it was far too frequent for the older's liking.

"Mhm," Donghyuck hummed, sauntering over to the large double French styled window at the end of the room, leaning his forehead against the glass. Why the curtain was even open was a mystery.

What is he doing? Mark wondered, eyes wide with worry. Taeil was in the bed right by his legs, and automatically in a danger zone because of it.

The ravenette got up, ignoring the chill that swept over his bare legs in the winter night air. Even in this season, he wore shorts because he hadn't the chance to retrieve his winter pyjamas from home yet.

𝗽𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗸; markhyuck Where stories live. Discover now