Move in with us!

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I don't like it...

Mama knows that people scare me, so why didn't she tell me that her friend is coming over? She should have warned me so that I can stay in my room or leave... I didn't wanna come downstairs to immediately start running back up, nearly tripping on them in fear. I could've sworn that I heard a male boy ask if he can come up to see if I was okay or something.

I simply can't catch a breath, can't I?

I had to text one of my only friends in a state of panic that my home was compromised and that I absolutely had to leave. Five minutes later, I climbed out of my window and practically flew into the back of her car with my Nintendo Switch Lite in its case in my hand.

So now, here I am. In the corner of my best friend's living room with my shirt collar pulled over my head while explaining my dismay to Mary, said best friend, who sat in front of me. I can't see the expression she has but at this moment, I can't care. I'm busy squeezing the life out of my stress ball and trying not to implode.

"Emmaaaa, I'm sure your mom has explained your situation to her friend, right?" She asks in that soft tone she uses when she knows that I'm literally milliseconds away from a panic attack.

"I-If I would have known that they were the-there, I would have already prepared an-and taken coffee maker..! I need to get it back-but they may still be there-!" I then proceed to dissolve into an involuntary mess where I'm panicking and over thinking that is adding to the panic even more.

I am so lucky that I have a golden habit. Bring my Nintendo Switch Lite everywhere I go. It's my number one thing that helps me whenever I get near this point. But sadly, I am not strong enough to have that same rule for my precious coffee maker... My favorite mug is there too. Oh no.

'My favorite mug!' I yell while popping out of my shirt collar. 'She might take it! Mary, everything is a disaster!'

"Emma, you know I can't hear your thoughts, remember?"


It's too much. Everything is going to pooptown and I can't even speak. My chest hurts really bad and it's really hard to breathe. I can feel wetness on my cheeks. How can I not be scared? Two scary people I don't know is in the same house as my things! They're gonna take it, I just know it-!

I don't know how long it has been, but I suddenly felt a tight squeeze. But it isn't a scary one. It feels safe. It feels like the hugs Mary gives me when I space out.

"Emma~! Emma, lookit!" I snap back to reality and realize she is beside me, holding my game system in front of me. She has put in Legend of Zelda, Breath of the Wild and I'm in a shrine that I completely forgot about.

"Did I...not do this one...?" I mutter, taking hold of it.

"Nuh-uh. You couldn't figure it out. Why don't you just breathe, calm down, and I'll have John go make sure the mean people didn't take your stuff, okay?" I felt reassured after she said that, but only a little. I simply nod at her words and she hugs me a little before standing.


After Mary was sure that a crisis has been somewhat adverted, she walks around a corner and pulls out her phone. She quickly dials John, her boyfriend's, number and puts it to her ear, mentally screaming for him to hurry and pick up.

"Hello?" A voice answers after a couple of rings.

"John, you need to stop by Emma's house right quick, okay? Her mom should know you by now." Mary responds

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2020 ⏰

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