The start of the day

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Makoto's POV:
I woke up to the usual Raspy tone of the Headmaster's voice From the speakers I groaned at sound of his annoying Voice and got out of bed I glanced at my desk and saw the marks resembling how long I have been in this hell Hole "Great another Day o-". The speaker turned on again "also Twerps Get ready for the best time of  the year...Christmas! You have ya present's in the gym And for once there not anything to do with killing Kinda boring but still!" My jaw dropped...HOW COULD I FORGET CHRISTMAS I ran to my wardrobe and threw on my clothes and speed walked to the Gym Just to quickly inhale..I then swung open the doors to see everyone there. Byakuya Wasn't interested cause he was reading a book  and for once Toko looked like she was having fun she was chasing Aoi with a toy knife she found while the brunette haired girl just ran and laughed they were having the fun of there life I looked to Yasuhiro who was
Messing with his crystal Ball I thought he broke it...Meh last but not least Kirigiri I looked over to were she was standing she was just standing there looking at the others "are you just gonna stand there" The pastel Purple haired girl said "oh yeah sorry" I said I walked over to her we talked for 2 hours or more since we had nothing better to do.
Kyoko's POV:
Me a Naegi we're talking for quite a while after about 2 hours We then saw monokuma pop Out of the middle of nowhere "hey Kiddo's anyway here's ya whatever this stuff is looks pretty useless to me" the black and white bear said out of the blue he then disappeared me & Makoto we're silent While yasuhiro,Toko and Aoi we're still messing around "so are we going to open them..." I said it was a bit awkward "um yeah sure".......Naegi has recently been acting weird..I just going to ignore...I headed towards them ignoringByakuya Cause he was still reading a book Naegi stopped and flicked him on the head which He then automatically looked up he looked frustrated he then just looked down again I grinned as walking to the bag while picking up Makotos and threw at him "Catch" I said making sure he saw the bag he quickly turned to my angle,jumped up & caught the bag quick a surprise he never really paid attention when he was doing something else I quickly grabbed The ex-heirs bag & threw it at him like I did to Naegi he wasn't paying attention so I'd expect it to land somewhere else but he quickly launched up a hand and grasped the bag just in time,time for Toko it was gonna be hard for her to catch it because she chasing Hina and was going quick fast so I just walked over to her and tapped her shoulder and gave her the bag "oh hi Kyoko!" She said cheerfully....wouldn't expect her to be this happy I smiled back and said "hello Toko anyway it's Christmas if you didn't know" "of course I know it's Christmas" so she then put the bag on a bench I continued to Chase Aoi I couldn't be bothered to to walk to Aoi so I just threw it at her it launched right into here face but she just laughed more now hagakure I just put in next to him and grabbed my own bag assigned for me.  

This took so long ;.; anyway hope you liked this chapter

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