
186 4 3

Keyboard (6SH Series #4)
written by air_jhel

This story is work of fiction. All characters in this story have no existence whatsoever outside the imagination of author, and have no relation to anyone having the same names.

This story contains many typographical and grammatical errors, but still you can understand this.

Disclaimer: There are some details in this story that is not mine like quotations, jokes, and such. It's either I search for it or I've seen it on Facebook.

Pictures of the celebrities in the media are not mine.

So to avoid plagiarism, I
I want to credits to the real owner.


no portrayers.

© air_jhel 2020

Date Started:

Date Ended:

Status: Soon


6-Seconds Harmony Series:
6SH1: Guitar ✔
6SH2: Bass ✔
6SH3: Drums ✔
6SH4: Keyboard
5,6: soon


Kishika's Note:

Okay, alam kong marami pa akong on-goings pero gusto ko lang po i-publish to HAHAHAHA WALA LANG BAHALA NA SALAMAT!!

Keyboard (6SH Series #4)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon