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Staring up at the theatre before entering, I tug on my coat preparing for the unknown. I walk into the main lobby then the auditorium. Cocoa had caught my figure a distance and squealed in excitement.

She rushes over to hug me. "My girl Is back in NYC!" 

"Happy holidays," I tell her.

"Don't Happy Holidays me. Girl, I'm upset with you. You slept with Archer and didn't even tell me?" She backs away from me, grinning, and crosses her arms.

My eyes widen, and suddenly, memories from that night came flooding back. "How-how did you know?"

"Khloe told me. Of course, she was upset."

I cover my face. Shame and regret rub all over me, not even a cleanser can take this feeling away. "I don't know what I was thinking. I guess I wasn't thinking."

"We all have those moments boo. But I should let you know Archer is this close to losing his shit. He's been a major pain in our asses."

I sigh while I catch Khloe giving me looks from the stage. If she didn't hate me before, she would definitely hate me now. "I'll talk to him." 

I can't blame anyone but myself. I am the one that decided to sleep with him so instantly, then ditch him like garbage. I walk up the stairs and see that Archer's door is closed. I knock cautiously while trying to think of things to say to him.

"Come on in." He mutters.

I opened the door; his eyes froze on me as I stepped inside. I felt myself shrinking with each step I took. Sitting on the chair in front of his desk, he took his fingers off his computer and looks up at me. He smiles and clears his throat. "I didn't think you'll be back so soon."

"I figured I should come back early; I didn't want to miss the deadline." I fidget with my fingers nervously. "I'll be out of New York for a few days. And I also would like to discuss something... about us. I know I left things weird."

He nods. "I've been meaning to talk to you about that as well. I'm sorry if I made things awkward between us. I shouldn't have slept with you so soon. I was wondering why you were backing off, but I realized it was the pace we were going." he pulls out the blue Tiffany bag from the Christmas party. "I still have your gift if you want it. You don't even have to wear this one you can exchange them for whatever you—"

"Chase and I got back together." I interrupt before he goes any further.

He was taken aback by it and slouched back in his chair. Silence took over until he finally opened his mouth and said, "Good for you." The way he spoke was calm but forced.

"You're not upset or anything?" I ask.

"The heart wants what it wants, right?" He shrugs it off like it was nothing. "Is that it?" He sits back up and glances at his computer screen.

"I guess so." That is one thing I got off my chest. I walk towards the door and turn to face him. "Also, that night I told you, it would be an enticing first time. I meant for myself. I should've worded it a little better. But I was a virgin that night."

His eyes are bold and strong as he stares up at me from the computer screen. His hand covers his mouth and rubbed them down, pulling at his lower lip. "Shit, Amelia- I'm... Why didn't you tell me?"

"I did. You just took it the wrong way. It's ok though. I'm not beat up about it." I leave as his brows pull together and sink into a sullen face.

I came into consideration that there was no reason for me to sulk into this feeling. It happened, and there is no going back. But I know I have to tell Chase. Sooner or later he is going to know and as Dr, Gonzales says, sooner is better. 

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now