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you and harry had been together for a little over a year now and things were great. the only problem was that you and harry lived in two diffrent countries. you lived in england due to your job and harry lived in la due to his job. sure not being with each other all the time made the time you were together special, but sometimes, you just wanted to call harry when you got home to tell him about your day. but you couldn't do that because of the time diffrence. you didn't want to go more than two weeks without seeing your boyfriend. of course you could go out to la and visit, which you did, but you could only do that so often before your boss pulled you up about it. you just wanted to be with harry.

it was harry's last day in london before he had to catch a flight back to la and at this point, you didn't know if you could take it anymore. you hated this, you hated the long tight hug that harry gave you before he left, you hated it when he said he'd call you when he landed, you hated saying goodbye. and you didn't know how much more you could take.

you and harry were cuddled up on your couch when you just burst into tears. harry quickly pauses the show you two were watching and he pulls away to look at you.

" baby, what's wrong? " harry looks at your tear stained cheeks, trying to wipe the tears away.

" i can't do it anymore. " you blubber, trying to stop crying, only for the tears to come down harder. all harry could do was look at you, more so with confusion, trying to get a sense of what was going on.

" what are you talking about? " he stresses, trying to get to the bottom of this.

" not being with you. i hate moments like this. you come and visit for a week and then we end up here. on the couch watching some show, trying to soak up every time together before you're on a flight back to la, and i'm here trying to go back to normal, continuously reminding myself that i'll see you again. i just can't take it anymore. " your voice cracks at the last part of your minature speech and you break down completely. this was the first time harry had seen you like this. he'd never seen you so vulnerable and it broke his heart into a billion pieces. he never told you this, but every time the plane took off and he was on his way back home, he cried. everytime without fail he'd let the tears stream down his face at the relization that you weren't next to him. the realization that once he did get home, it wouldn't feel like home since you weren't there.

" i'm so sorry baby. " harry pulls you back into him, pressing his face into your hair. he knew he hated the entire long distance situation, but seeing how it affected you made him want to fix the situation the best he could. he was going to do anything necessary to keep your relationship together, even if it meant leaving the place he calls home.

" i'm moving back to london with you. " harry says out of the blue. you lift your head and you look at him, not believeing what he said. " if that's what's going to keep us alive then i'll leave la. i can't spend more than two weeks without seeing you. i love you too much to not be with you. " harry sighs, trying to hold back his own tears.

" what about your work? you can't just pick up and leave. " you try to reason. as much as you wanted harry to move back to london, you didn't want him to give up what he loved.

" there are recording studios everywhere. i can go anywhere. and where i want to be right now and forever is with you. so if it means shipping my stuff here and visiting la once and awhile for work stuff, so be it. as long as were together, it'll be fine. " he pulls up onto his lap and into his chest. " i love you. " he strokes your back. " so much. " he adds, pressing a kiss to your forehead.

" thank you so much harry. " you lift your head to look at him and you cup the side of his face.

" y'know i'd do anything for yeh. " he replies, grasping the hand that was on his face. " plus, i was kinda thinking about moving back a little while ago. you don't know how much it takes for me to not turn around and not walk out of the airport. to just drop everything and fly here to see you. just seeing and knowing how you feel, i know that i'm making the right decision. " you pull his face closer and close the space between you two.

" i love you. " you mumble against his lips.

" i love you more. " he pulls away to get a good look at you.

tomorrow you were going to take harry back to the airport, but this time it'll be diffrent. instead of being sad to see him go, you'll be happy. you'll be happy because once he leave this time, he'll come back and never have to leave this time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2021 ⏰

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