In your sheets part. 1/5

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Quick a/n, I know I posted this earlier but after some time of consideration I decided to divide it in 5 parts instead of a long one since it's easier to read. I hope you'll enjoy the story!~

Saturday 22:12

"I'm leaving now, I'll see you guys tomorrow."
Was the last sentence Momo spoke before closing the door behind her and leaving the dormitory. Even seconds after the door had closed Sana could still hear the echo from Momos voice linger between the walls of the apartment. Like a whisper.

It was late spring and the cherry trees where in bloom, leaving after a sweet smell of cherry blossom and swirling flower petals in the air. She stood frozen in the hall, sighing softly to herself as she heard an engine start outside on the street and drive off. She crouched down to fix the misplaced shoes that where messily tossed onto the doormat, because she had nothing better to do now that Momo had left her stranded.
She corrected the member's shoes and mumbled to herself in disbelief that she actually found herself there again.

The two girls had namely made plans to watch a movie together today due to the release of a new movie on Netflix, but of course Heechul would get the night and tomorrow day off so she declined within the blink of an eye. The brunette scoffed to herself for actually believing that she would for once choose her before him.

Momo had told Sana a hundred times how sorry she was as she packed her bag quickly and that they could watch the movie another time. Sana had only nodded with a smile and told her to not worry about it, that it was fine and that she understood.
Of course Momo would want to spend time with the one that she loves, Sana was very familiar with that feeling herself - she though, didn't share the same luck as of having that someone liking you back, at least not the way she wanted her to...


Sunday 1:09

Sana was laying down in her bed and scrolled through instagram. Yes. She was stalking. No shame in that. Everyone did it, she assured herself as she scrolled through the pages of Instagram.
About an hour ago Heechul posted a short clip of Momo sitting under a blanket with her hand in a bowl of popcorn in front of a laptop streaming a movie, smiling with all of her face making her eyes form two half moons. Sana couldn't help but smile just as wholeheartedly herself at the girl's happiness and had unconsciously put a finger on the screen to capture the moment. It was almost as if she was there with her... but she wasn't.

Sana's stomach turned as she realized someone else was making her smile, she clenched her jaw, god how she wished that she was the one causing her to smile like that...

She felt the familiar clench around her heart and her breath became short as her lower lip began to tremble. She released her finger on the screen and the clip continued with Heechul switching to the front camera, showing that he and Momo wore matching pajamases, Momo in a pink one and Heechul in a red, patterned with little ducks on the silky fabric.

Silly... Sana thought to herself, but deep down she knew that everything in her body ached to be in that red silly duck pajamas.

The couple made thumbs up and then Sana was back on the front page of Heechul's Instagram.
She sighed at the newly posted pictures in his feed, all of him and Momo. She couldn't take it anymore and locked her screen to just drop the phone onto her chest while holding a hand over her eyes as she let a few tears fall down her pale cheeks.

In your sheets (Sana x Momo)Where stories live. Discover now