"I Love you too, my sweet idiot."

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You wake up to the usual banging on the door. 
"Oi, MC! Wake up!"
The voice on the other side of the door says.
You get out of your bed and open the door to reveal noone but the great Mammon himself.
"Hurry up and get ready, we don't have all day!" He says.
"Alright, give me 10 minutes." You say and close the door, going to get ready.
After changing into the RAD uniform, you get back to the door and open them to get to the dining room, but Mammon's standing in the way.
"Took ya long enough, let's go!" He says and takes you by the wrist, pulling you along towards the dining room.
You both sit down and begin eating your breakfast.
After eating breakfast, you notice Mammon waiting at the door with his and your bag.
You go over to him and he gives you your bag.
"Let's get movin'" he says and begins walking, you follow him on the way to RAD.


After a long and tiring day, you get back to the house of lamentation. 
You slowly make your way to your room, but you hear someone call out your name.
You turn around to see Mammon, what does he need now? 
"Hey uh.. MC, could you help me with homework?" He asks and rubs the back of his head.
"...what do you need help with?" You ask.
"Just some human history" he replies.
History? You're pretty good at history, it should be quick.
"Alright, meet me in my room in 5 minutes." You say and get to your room.

Slightly more than five minutes later, Mammon knocks on your door. No response. Mammon slightly opens the door to find you sleeping on your bed.
"Must be pretty tired, huh?" Mammon thinks to himself and lets himself in, going over to your bed.
He sits beside you, hesitating wether to wake you up or not. He decides not to.
He begins to gently stroke your hair.

You feel yourself begin to wake up, but you want to stay like this a little longer, so you don't make it obvious that you woke up.
You can feel yourself warm up.
"Hey." You say and turn your head to him, you must've scared him, he fell backwards.
"W-what are ya doin' scarin' me like that?!" Mammon yelled in surprise.
You sit up on your bed and look at him.
"Ya still need help with history?" you ask.
"Y-yeah." He answers and begins to calm down.
"Okay, go ahead" ypu say.

Mammon begins explaining.

After an hour or two of Mammon trying to understand, he says it's all and you are finally done.
You yawn and Mammon looks at you wih a curious look. "Are you tired?" He asks.
You nod.
"Why don't you take a nap?" He asks.
"I have my own homework to do, i can't just nap through it." You answer and yawn.
Mammon gets up and sits on your bed. "A short nap won't hurt, c'mon, i'll help ya fall asleep faster!" He happily says.
You lean forward to lay on him, that was not what he expected.
You both get comfortable and you fall asleep.

About 2 hours later you wake up, noticing that Mammon had fallen asleep, too.
You sit to a normal position and poke Mammon in an attempt to wake him up.
"Wake uuup" you say and poke him again.
Mammon slightly opens his eyes. "...hm?" He groans.
"You should go back to your room" you say and point to the door.
"Oh, right.." he says and gets up.
He goes over to the door and turns his head towards you. "Thanks for helping me!" He says and leaves.
Not too long later you hear loud banging on your door, wonder who it is?
Without you even getting up, Mammon quickly lets himself in.
"...why are you in my room?" You ask.
Mammon's heavily breathing, seems like he was in a rush.
There's banging on the other side of the door.
"OPEN THE DOOR!" The voice on the other end of the door yelled.
You get up from your bed "Mammon, move." You say, he then hesitates and moves to the side, worried what's about to happen.
You open the door. "Oh, Levi, what do you need?" You ask. 
"Mammon took my figurine!" He explained, angrily huffing.
You take a look at Mammon. "...Mammoooonnnn?" 
"Give Levi back his figurine." You say.
"Fine-" he says, carefully walking to the door and giving Levi back his figurine.
Levi leaves.
"Now, tell me why you think it was okay for you to come barging into my room?" You ask and look at Mammon while closing the door.
"Well uh.." he begins talking and rubs the back of his head.
"Hmm?" You reply.
"It was the closest room i could run to-" he continues.
You cut him off; "so you think it was a good idea to barge into my room like that?" 
"Well-" he answers and you cut him off again. "You never learn, do you?"
"Well, no." He answers.
"Well you should go now, you probably have stuff to do." You say and open the door.
"W-wait- can i.. stay a bit longer?" Mammon asks, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink.
You think for a bit. "Alright." You say and go back to your bed.
"So, what do you wanna do?" You ask.
"We could just.. y'know, talk." Mammon answers.
You nod and both of you begin talking.
Seconds turn to minutes, minutes turn to hours.
Next thing you know, Lucifer came to call you for dinner.
You both head to the dining hall to eat your dinner.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2020 ⏰

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