Chapter Twenty-Five: The Deal

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I wait until the bodies of the four men turn the corner up ahead to begin running. I realize soon after I break the heel of my shoe, it would be best to carry them. Holding my shoes in one of my hands, I run as fast as my feet, and this dress, can take me. Many townspeople stare with curiosity as I make my way towards the Palace gates. The gates are surprisingly open, as if someone was waiting for me to return.

I burst open the giant Palace doors and walk inside.

"There she is." The voice of Prince Adam calls out from the right side staircase. "I've been expecting you to come."

"He had nothing to do with it." I say, beginning to walk up the stairs to where Prince Adam stands.

"Come, come." He says, placing an arm around my shoulder, "We have much to talk about."

We walk up the staircase, and walk into a room I've never been into before. The room is a gigantic library, with shelves of books that reach as high as the ceiling.

"See what you could have if you stay here with me?" He asks, releasing me from his grasp and walking over in front of the fireplace.

"What are you talking about?" I whisper, slowly making my way over to where he resides.

"I have a proposition for you." He says at last.

"I'm listening." I say, stopping in my tracks.

"You see, I already know that Eric does not wish to become King. But, I do." He says. "And since he is older, the only way to make that happen, is if I marry before he does."

My eyes narrow at Prince Adam's back, realizing where this proposition is leading to. "Then marry a woman from the town. I'm sure any woman would love to live in a Palace for the rest of her days." I say.

"You see, that's the problem." He begins, slowly turning around to face me.

"What's the problem?" I ask.

"I don't just want any woman." He answers, now walking over to me until an inch of space is between us. "I want you."

"Me?" I ask, completely befuddled by his words. "Why do you want me?"

"Well, that's a different story that I don't have time to get into at the current moment." He says, looking down at me with a devilish grin.

"I will not marry you." I hiss, turning around and placing my hand on the door knob.

"Oh, but I believe you will. Unless, you wish to see your lover hanged." Says Prince Adam slyly.

My mind freezes, as does my hand on the door knob. "You wouldn't." I say, turning around to face him, "Your own Brother?" I ask softly.

"If that is what it takes to have you, then I will." Prince Adam smiles wickedly.

My heart pounds inside my chest so loud I can hear it. "If I marry you, he will not be hanged, correct?" I ask.

"Indeed, but there is one more thing." He says. "You must tell no one of our little deal, especially Eric. Do you understand?"

"I do." I answer. "But I will not marry you."

"Why must you make it so difficult!" He yells, slapping the right side of my face with his leather glove.

I fall to the ground, seeing double vision out of my right eye. "My heart does not belong to you! It never will!" I shout.

"Have it your way then! He shall be hanged at dawn!" Prince Adam now laughs insanely. I reach up with my left hand, and twist the door knob, falling down on my back once the door opens behind me. I use both my arms now to scoot myself out of the Library.

"You're insane." I whisper.

He stops laughing for a moment and stares into my eyes, "Oh no, my darling. You're the one that's insane." And with that he slams the door shut. I'm left laying in the hallway with only my thoughts.

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