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"Are you guys ready for the mountains?" Mary comes out from the hallway and reaches the kitchen.

"Right now?" I ask while snacking onto some plain lays chips. The roasted chicken was starting to invade my nose and I'm starving.

Chase sits next to me while drinking a glass of water. "I already went, but I don't mind going again." he includes.

He grabs the bag of chips out my hands and I yank it back. "Shouldn't I be trained first before going out there?"

Chase tells me, "Trevor wasn't trained his first time and he got it within seconds."

I look at him and force a smile. "Well it's a good thing my name is Amelia and not Trevor. What if I fall on a rock a split my head open." I tease.

"you'll be fine." Mary smiles at both of us.

Before Chase and I went off to get ready. He snatched the bag of chips out my hands again and runs towards the stairs with them. He knows how much I'm starving. I've been In such a good mood, lately I want to eat everything in sight.

I run after him, attempting to not fall down the stairs. He stood near the railing on the loft watching me. I watched him roll up the bag of chips and shout, "Trevor heads up!"

Trevor looks up from Celeste carefully pulling the Jenga block from the tower and Chase threw the bag of chips towards him. His aim was terrible and knocked down the tower of blocks.

"Seriously!" Celeste and I scream at the same time.

He smiles at me and pulls me towards him. "Dont be so sad Bennett. Those chips weren't that good. You should've got Cheese balls." He then looks down at Celeste. "You were going to lose anyway!" he shouts at her.

Trevor laughs and shrugs his shoulder, agreeing with Chase.

"Don't fuck with the pregnant chick, Chase. I'll make you need fifty stitches!" Celeste shouts and flicked Chase off.

Mary steps out from the kitchen smiling. "Do I need to put you guys in time out like your kids still?"

I laugh at the thought and playfully slap Chase's shoulders. "Come on. You're such a dick for that."

This is probably going to be the most extravagant thing I've ever done in my life. Yeah, I had karate and did some other outdoor stuff when my mom was sober, but I never been skiing before. So the idea of climbing a snow mountain and then going down with little-to-no control, scares me.

Under my baby blue ski jumpsuit I have on a synthetic undershirt and pants. Nothing heavy, just lightweight. While forcing my boots on, Chase comes behind me and smacks me on the butt. I squeal and cover it incase he tries again.

He has a black coat on that's not as thick as mine. It's like he's asking to be frozen to death when we get out there.

"Are you ready?" He asked me, and I nod my head.

We walk up the snow-covered mountain with heavy ski gear on our backs. Mary and Calvin stayed upfront while Chase and I were in the back. Since Celeste is very pregnant, her and Trevor stayed at the cabin.

I followed Chase, as he followed his parents. He avoided his father at all cost whenever Calvin would try to communicate with him. I didn't blame him for it. Calvin isn't a good person.

It's been twenty minutes and I can feel my throat drying. The breeze continues to smack me in the face nearly knocking me over.

Chase grabs my hand while we continue to make our way up. "Its about three to four thousand feet. Do you need a break?" Chase asks me.

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now