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Mya passed the flat iron through the last strand of hair before placing it on the coffee table. She was grinning, clearly proud of herself. "You look flawless," she said, stepping back to admire her handiwork. I glanced in the mirror she handed me, and she wasn't wrong.

"I take it you love it?" she teased, already knowing the answer.

"Yeah," I admitted, handing her back the mirror. "It's perfect."

She started tidying up, knowing we were running out of time before Cristian got home. Just thinking about him made me roll my eyes so hard I thought they'd stay stuck. Cristian—the king of control. He expected me to stay locked up in this house, day in, day out.

"It's for your protection," he'd say, but it felt like a cage. A luxurious, suffocating one. It's like I wasn't even a person anymore, just a fragile object he had to guard at all costs. Sure, my situation was dangerous, but couldn't he give me a little credit? Did I look like the kind of girl who needed babysitting 24/7?

"So, who's this mystery man you've been texting?" I asked, watching Mya hide her phone with a shy smile. Her blush made her glow. She mumbled something under her breath.

"Oh, just someone," she said, pretending to be all nonchalant.

I raised an eyebrow. "Uh-huh, just someone, huh? Come on, spill it."

"Mind ya business," she snapped back playfully, pointing her manicured finger at me.

"I'll find out sooner or later," I said, giving her a side-eye. "Might as well just tell me now."

"Fine!" She threw her hands up dramatically, flopping down next to me on the couch. "But don't laugh."

She handed me her phone, and I peered at the screen. The guy in the photo wasn't bad. Not bad at all. Tall, with clean-cut features and a playful smirk. I gave her a nod of approval. "Alright, alright. He's cute."

Mya beamed, grinning ear to ear. We were still laughing when one of the maids burst into the room, breathless, her eyes wide. No words were needed. We both knew what that look meant.

"He's back!" I yelped. Panic set in immediately. Mya and I scrambled, her grabbing her bag, and me trying to shove things out of sight. Of course, Cristian had to come back early. Why couldn't he have been five minutes later? Just five!

We ran to the front door, ready to bolt, but Mya stopped dead in her tracks. "Tyla! Front door! He's coming through there!" Her voice was high-pitched with fear.

I thought fast. "The back! Hurry!"

We rushed to the back door, practically tripping over ourselves. I waved one of the maids over frantically, motioning for her to distract him while Mya made her getaway. Mya threw me a grateful smile as she slipped out the door toward her car, managing to escape unseen.

I breathed a sigh of relief. Crisis averted. Or so I thought.

"What's the boss gonna say if I tell him about your little secret?" a voice drawled behind me. I jumped so high I nearly hit the ceiling. Spinning around, I found myself face-to-face with Ares, leaning casually against the doorframe with that smug grin on his face. How did he even get here? He was like a damn ninja sometimes.

"Don't sneak up on people like that!" I hissed, clutching my chest dramatically.

Ares shook his head, amused. "Seriously, Ty? Do you think you're that smooth? Sneaking your friend out like you're some undercover agent?"

I tried to play it cool, brushing past him as if nothing had happened. "What friend?" I said, my tone completely unconvincing.

Ares followed me, relentless. "Ty, I saw her. I always see everything. And if Cristian finds out—"

"He won't," I cut him off quickly. "Because you're not going to say anything."

Ares raised an eyebrow. "Oh, am I now?"

"I'm bored, Ares!" I whined, throwing my hands in the air. "He keeps me locked up here like I'm some kind of prisoner. I needed company. Is that a crime?"

"Technically, yes," Ares smirked, clearly enjoying this way too much. "But you've got bigger problems. I told Cristian your friend was the new gardener, so he's covered—for now. But next time, maybe try...not being so obvious?"

I shot him a grateful look. "Thanks."

"Eh, don't mention it. Just make sure she doesn't show up with a lawnmower next time," Ares quipped before sauntering off, leaving me shaking my head.

I went upstairs, clutching my phone, and flopped down on the bed. Mya must've made it home by now. I checked my phone, but instead of a text from her, I saw my brother's name flash across the screen. My stomach dropped.

I hadn't heard from him in months. And I liked it that way.

Still, I answered without thinking. "Did you make it home safe?" I asked, my voice tense.

"Why haven't you been answering my calls?" my brother's voice cut through the line.

I blinked, thrown off. "Wait...what?"

"I've been calling you for days," he said, his voice a mix of frustration and something else—desperation, maybe. "You've been dodging me."

My heart sank. This wasn't going to be a casual conversation. "Why are you calling me?" I demanded, cutting right to the chase.

He sighed. I could almost picture him rubbing his face, the way he always did when he was about to ask for something. "I need help...again."

Here we go. I pressed a hand to my forehead, already feeling the headache coming on. "What the hell did you get yourself into this time?"

There was a long pause on the other end, and that's when I knew. Whatever he had gotten himself involved in, it wasn't good.

"I...I owe some people," he admitted, his voice low. "A lot."

I squeezed my eyes shut. "I told you I'm done helping you. You're on your own."

"Tyla, please," he pleaded. "I don't have anyone else."

Anger flared in me. After everything he had done, every time he had dragged me down with him, he still had the nerve to ask for my help. "What makes you think I'm going to clean up your mess this time?" I snapped.

"Because you always do," He said quietly. And that hurt, because it was true.

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